
The charming story of the golden-headed manakin


The red and white combinations contrast that black body and bright gold head, making it a distinctive bird!

Meet the Goldeп-headed Maпakiп

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds Photo courtesy of Mike’s Birds / CC BY-SA 2.0

The golden-headed Mapaki (Ceratopipra erythrocephala) is a small, compact, brightly colored passerine bird. The adult male has a black body, with red and white thighs. Its head is orange-yellow on the forehead, crown, cheeks and nape. This golden yellow helmet is slightly edged with red, which is very distinct and difficult to see. The thick beak is yellowish white. His eyes are white. The legs and feet are light brown.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds

The female is very different from the male and difficult to spot with her overall olive-colored plumage. Their upperparts are paler, mainly with a washed yellowish belly.

He has gray eyes instead of white. The juvenile is similar to the female.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds These birds reside in an epidemic in Panama, Colombia and Trinidad, as well as in the Guides, Brazil and the rest of Peru.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds

Golden-headed Mapakis prefer moist forests, mainly open second-growth forests. It is visible up to 1100 meters high, but locally it can leak up to 2000 meters.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds

The golden-headed Mapaki is mainly frυgivorous, feeding mainly on small fruits and berries, in particular the berries of Micoпia, the family Melastomataceae, and also Rυbiaceae, plucked from the wig. Although it will also catch insects from the wig or vegetation.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds

The male golden-headed Mapaki has a fascinating breeding display on a common lek. Each male occupies a horizontal perch 6 to 12 m high and quickly jumps and glides or darts to other perches. The screen is accompanied by the buzzing of wigs and a zit-zit buzz. Groups of up to 12 birds can perform together.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds

The female builds a shallow cup-shaped nest in a tree, in which two yellowish eggs with eyebrow spots are laid, which she incubates for about 16-17 days.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds Photo courtesy of chdwckvпstrsslhm uploaded to commoпs by user ltshears / CC BY 2.0

Golden-headed Mapaki are considered quite common in most of the rabies. This species is not considered threatened.

the charming story of the golden-headed manakin – The Daily Worlds Watch this bird right here in the video below:

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