
Shelter Staff Check Donation Box And Find More Than Just Dog Food Inside


One morning in mid-July, a group of employees arrived at the Moultrie Colquitt County Humane Society (MCCHS) to start their day. It was just before 6 in the morning, and the first thing they did before anything else was check the donation box outside the shelter. They expected to find some dog food and other supplies.

Instead, they found two tiny puppies curled up together, waiting for help.


The lid to the box had been closed, so it was super hot inside. After checking the cameras, they realized the puppies had been abandoned in the box just after 10:30 p.m. the previous evening, meaning they’d been in there all night. There’s no telling how much longer they would have been able to last out there on their own. They were rescued just in time.


“Thankfully, staff check the box each and every morning upon arrival, and this morning it just so happened to save two lives,” Dawn Blanton, rescue coordinator for the MCCHS, told The Dodo. “At first, the puppies were still a little bashful and shy, as most would be, but once they were placed inside and given proper nourishment, they started to act like normal puppies.”

Luckily, the puppies appeared to be in pretty good shape. They were deemed overall healthy and had no skin issues or other common ailments that are often seen with rescues. They just needed some extra love and attention, which the shelter employees were more than happy to provide.


“They are very playful pups and love attention from people and love playtime,” Blanton said.

The pups were named Dolly and Polly and are now up for adoption. They kept each other company during their long night in the box, and they can’t wait to find their forever homes.

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