
Meet the Dazzling Chestnut-backed Tanager: A Rainbow of Colors in One Bird


A typical bird that is truly a rainbow of color, covered in brilliant shades of copper, blue, green, white, yellow and red!Meet the Breasted Tapager

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

The breast-back tapager (Stilpía precious) is a species of bird in the family Thraυpidae. The male of this species has a rough, shiny raven that fades to a more coppery tip along his back. Its rump is yellowish, its tail, wigs and back are black with blue edges. Most of its chest and belly are blue-green with yellow on its central belly and dark beige tail cover.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

Their veils are white, with black spots on their head copying around their eyes.

The female is more or less a duller version of the male with a more Greek upperparts and underparts with upper tail coverts with a washed cypamus.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds These birds are epidemic and are found in southern Brazil, northeastern Argentina, Pascua Paraguay and Urυgυay.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

Breast-backed tapagers prefer to live in and around forests and forest edges up to about 1000 m altitude.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

Breast-backed tapagers dive into a wide variety of fruits including domesticated varieties, while also taking the time to hunt for insects in the canopy. They also readily join mixed-species flocks while foraging.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

Little is known about the reproduction process of this species, apart from the open pest site in the Grado do Sul River, about 10 m high between thick leaves of an araucaria tree. There was no other information.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

The breast-backed tapager is not a current dagger and is abundant in the areas where it resides. Other studies show that this animal is pop-invasive, which simply means that it will not invade areas other than its own region.

a rainbow of colors in a single bird – The Daily Worlds

Watch this bird right here in the video below:

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