
Hero Dog Earns All The ‘Good Boys’ After Saving Family From House Fire


There’s no doubt that this dog named Champ has always been a good boy — but in light of recent events, he now easily ranks among the very goodest.

Ontario Provincial Police – Central Region

In the wee hours of the morning on Thursday, a fire broke out in the basement of a house in Ontario, Canada. The homeowners were all asleep at the time, tragically unaware of the impending danger.

Fortunately for them, however, there was someone inside who noticed: Champ.

Ontario Provincial Police – Central Region

As the home filled with smoke and the flames began to spread, the brave pup leapt into action — making sure his sleeping family woke up in time to escape.

“Champ saves the day!” Ontario Provincial Police wrote in a post. “[He] alerted his owners and everyone made it to safety […] What a good boy!”

Afterwards, firefighters arrived and were able to extinguish the blaze. But the singing of praises for Champ didn’t end there.

Ontario Provincial Police – Central Region

The humble hero that morning has since been showered with a heaping helping of “good boys” from strangers online — well-deserved accolades from an adoring public.

“What a good, good boy! Way to go, Champ!” one commenter wrote.

“Champ, you are awesome,” another added.

And it’s true.

Ontario Provincial Police – Central Region

While the cause of the fire is still under investigation, authorities are using the opportunity to remind people about fire safety — noting how things could have gone tragically different had the hero dog not been there.

“Not everyone has a Champ. Smoke alarms are a key part of a home fire escape plan,” the Huntsville/Lake of Bays Fire Department wrote. “When there is a fire, smoke spreads fast. Working smoke alarms will give you early warning so you can get out quickly. Check your smoke [and] carbon monoxide alarms today!”

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