
Family Comes Home And Discovers Someone Has Opened All The Christmas Presents


Before Angus was adopted four years ago, he’d never been inside a house. Being a typical dog was so new to him, and his family wasted no time showing him how great it was. Now he does all the things dogs love to do — including occasionally destroying things.

Debbie O’Hara

“He doesn’t know how to play or fetch but loves to destroy stuffed animals or anything that squeaks,” Debbie O’Hara, Angus’ mom, told The Dodo. “He has destroyed quite a few things since we’ve had him as he had separation anxiety … He has chewed part of our couch, a brand-new ottoman and two foam bed covers before he was comfortable being left at home.”

Angus and his destructive habits have slowed down a bit since then — until the holiday season rolls around. Then, all bets are off.

Debbie O’Hara

“Last Christmas Eve, he opened all our gifts,” O’Hara said. “He ate a large box of Purdy’s chocolates and a four-pack of Kit Kats. He has a stomach of steel [and] wasn’t the least bit sick from the chocolate. Some family got gifts with the boxes chewed, and we had to buy a new hoodie as he ripped one opening it.”

Angus’ family of course got him checked out to make sure he was OK after eating things he shouldn’t have and tried to take steps to make sure it didn’t happen again. O’Hara did her best to hide all of this year’s presents and keep everything out of Angus’ reach. Unfortunately, she didn’t quite succeed.

dog destroys presents
Debbie O’Hara

“This time I forgot one bag of unwrapped gifts where he could get them while we went shopping,” O’Hara said. “He ate the toffee [and] peanut butter cups and a couple boxes have tears in them, but that’s traditional now. He has no quit at all.”

dog destroys things
Debbie O’Hara

Angus’ family never scolds him because he’s very sensitive. He doesn’t mean to cause so much destruction. He just gets a little overexcited about finally having the best family ever, especially around the holidays.

“We love him like he’s our child, and you can tell he feels the same,” O’Hara said.

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