
Woman Sees Box On Side Of Road And Can’t Believe Who She Finds Inside

When a woman in South London came across a clear plastic bin on the side of the road, something didn’t seem right. She went over to take a closer look — and discovered five tiny puppies inside the closed bin. She immediately sprang into action and contacted the RSPCA, who made sure the puppies made it into their care as quickly as possible.

puppies abandoned in box


“The caller wasn’t sure whether the pups had been abandoned overnight or early in the morning, but the lid was swimming in a puddle of water so the puppies had been left outside for some time during the rain,” Liz Wheeler, an inspector with the RSPCA, said in a press release. “Thankfully the puppies were okay huddled together on a brown towel in the box, but they were clearly very vulnerable.”

puppies abandoned in box


After examining them, the RSPCA determined that they were actually from two separate litters. Three of the puppies were around 6 weeks old, and the other two were less than a week old and hadn’t even opened their eyes yet. The two 1-week-old puppies need special care because they’re so young, and are now being hand-reared by experienced staffers.

abandoned puppy


All five of the puppies are currently doing well in the care of the RSPCA, and everyone is so grateful that they were found when they were.

“We’d like to say a big thank you to the woman who found the puppies for acting so quickly to get them to safety — and even bought some puppy milk for them,” Wheeler said.

abandoned puppy


The RSPCA is concerned that there may be more puppies out there from the same litters who might need help and are asking anyone with information to please come forward. Luckily, these five puppies are safe now and will continue to get the care they need until they’re strong enough to head off to their forever homes.

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