
Woman Gets ‘Wrong Number’ Photo Of Dog And Couldn’t Be Happier

Stormy Rose Bruce was having a rough day when she noticed she’d gotten a text message from a number she didn’t recognize. She opened the text, not expecting much — and immediately her day took a turn for the better. 

Someone had texted her number by accident, and the text they sent her was a picture of their dog, Lyla, hanging out in a dryer. 

“I was thoroughly excited,” Bruce told The Dodo. “It’s not every day you get such a beautiful wrong text.” 


The person immediately apologized to Bruce for texting the wrong number, but she assured them it was the best wrong number text ever, and that they could send more pictures of Lyla literally anytime they liked. 

wrong number text

Stormy Rose Bruce

“It was an extremely welcome smile,” Bruce said. “Animals are the way to my heart, as I always say.” 

Not wanting to pass up the opportunity to share more pictures of their dog, the person sent along another picture of Lyla … 


Stormy Rose Bruce

… and Bruce couldn’t have been happier.

wrong number text

Stormy Rose Bruce

Eventually the adorable exchange came to an end, but hopefully Lyla’s owner will send Bruce many more pictures of perfect Lyla in the future.

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