
Why Does My Cat Sleep On My Legs? 12 Surprising Reasons


reviewed by a veterinary box

Have you ever sat on the couch, bed, or perhaps at your desk with a furball purring peacefully on your lap and wondered to yourself, “Why does she do this? Why does my cat sleep on my legs?”.

Well, you’re not alone. While many cat owners are more than happy to curl up with their kitties, there is often the mystery of why cats enjoy sleeping on their human’s legs. Often, your cat will have a beautiful, comfy bed all to itself but would instead join you in your bed and stretch out over your legs.

So let’s dig deeper into why cats do this and whether it’s something you should be concerned about, or just thankful for.

Grey lazy cat sleeping on woman's knees in the room, close up

If you’re concerned about your cat’s behavior, rest assured that sleeping on your lap or legs is purr-fectly normal. They would pick this specific sleeping position for many reasons, but regardless of the motives, it’s a habit many felines have and is not a cause for concern.

NB: Individual cats may have different preferences for sleeping on legs and not all cats exhibit this behavior. 

However, if your cat seems unwell and is much more needy than usual, keep an eye on her to see if a vet is needed. A quick home check up should help you know if it’s something serious or just an off day that requires extra loving.

Woman and cute cat sitting on rocking chair with blanket why does my cat sleep on my legs

Some kittens will start sleeping on their owner’s legs early and may continue with this habit into adulthood. Other cats might start up the habit later on in life.

Here are a few reasons why your kitty would be sleeping on your limbs or why does my cat sleep between my legs.

The thighs are one of the closest places to the body’s core, providing a comforting warmth. Your cat may be cold or seeking that comfort to sleep.

When you find human babies sitting and sleeping on their mother’s laps, this is often for the warmth and comfort your cat is looking for.

 Kitty’s fall asleep by your feet for the same reason, only this time you also benefit from warmer furry feet.

Happy young woman swapping the TV channels , relaxed on the bean

As their human, your cat will often look to you when they’re not feeling well or things are uncertain. Sleeping on your body can make your kitty feel safe and secure. When sleeping on your lap, they’re able to register every movement and change in your location.

If they’re looking for a spot to sleep soundly, knowing that nothing can hurt them, you’re their best bet.

It’s been found that cats can sense their human’s emotions, which means happy, sad, and even sickly. If you’re ill or not feeling great, your cat may pick up on this and want to cheer you up.

By laying on you and purring they’re trying to comfort you and make you feel better.

Grey lazy cat sleeping on woman's knees in the room

Like humans enjoy the feeling of their loved one nearby, cats do, too, and that loved one is you. Often, just the feeling of being near their human can make a cat feel snug and content.

Sleeping on your legs allows them to feel your presence while peacefully napping. 

Cats have instincts that make them wary of any dangers, and falling asleep requires a feeling of security. From your lap or legs on the bed or couch, they have the perfect view of the room around them.

If something were to startle them awake, they’d be able to see if it was a danger to them almost immediately.

Cute blonde woke up in her bed, comfort of home, bedroom and the cat

It makes sense that your cat would want to sleep on or near you, but why your legs? This is often the most accessible part of your body, no matter the circumstances.

If you’re sleeping in bed, your legs provide a good space that probably doesn’t move as much as your head. And when you’re seated, your legs are the most level space for a ball of fur to curl up on.

Sometimes the simple answer to why a cat sleeps on its human’s legs is: habit. If you used to pick your cat up and put it on your lap when they were young, it would typically continue to do this as they get older.

And if you’ve adopted them as an adult, perhaps their previous owner sat with them on their laps.

Cats rub themselves on humans and furniture to mark their territory, so they may also be laying on their human servants to claim what’s theirs. You may find this more when multiple cats are in a household, and one is a bit more possessive.

Beautiful young woman holding cat isolated on white

Or maybe your feline can smell that you’ve been a little too friendly with the office cat. Your cat may also lick your nose to mark its territory.

If your cat doesn’t usually jump on you and they’ve started to, it could be that they’re experiencing stress. This can come from being sick, in pain, or having something disrupt their daily lives. Other signs of stress might include excessive grooming, hiding or aggression.

It’s essential to make your kitty feel safe and loved in these cases and give them the security they need.

This seems obvious, but it must be noted that if your cat, or any feline, sleeps on top of you, they must be quite fond of you. This can be a major badge of honor, and is big if you’ve just brought a kitten home, adopted an older cat, or are cat-sitting for a friend.

Beautiful asian girl kissing american shorthair cat

A cat sleeping on your legs may be craving a deep sleep. Even domesticated cats are incredibly light sleepers, as it’s natural to be always alert. However, snuggling up against your legs may give your cat enough security and comfort to silence those survival instincts. 

Deep sleep is essential to cats’ well-being, allowing them to grow, heal and regain energy. That feeling of vulnerability goes away when kittens sleep close to their mothers or when adult cats cozy up with other cats or, in this case, sleep next to their owner.

Your kitty wants a moment to bond with you (aww). They’re trying to connect with you due to a behavior called pillowing. Pillowing is when cats snug up to each other to sleep, and their purring ends up being in sync, further strengthening their bond. 

Now, If you only have one cat, it simply means they’re using you as a substitute for pillowing—which is about the sweetest thing a cat could do.

Not everyone enjoys sharing their bed with furry family members. It might be too hot at night, or you’re a rough sleeper worried about accidentally hurting your kitty. And even if you don’t mind your cat sleeping in bed with you, they still need a bed of their own. 

Cats have a polyphasic sleep schedule meaning they sleep for shorter periods multiple times throughout the day. So providing a comfy spot will prevent them from ceaselessly wandering through the house to find a sleeping space. 

So these wonderful alternative sleeping places for your cat might be your solution.

A dedicated sleeping spot with a bed should be standard for creating healthy sleeping habits. This will also help set boundaries if your cat is misbehaving at night. Cozy cat beds such as caves and nest-like bedding are fantastic options, and there are many to choose from. 

You can treat your pet with a snug cat bed to provide a similar safe nest-like area for when you’re not around. Adding something with your scent, like an old t-shirt, to your cat’s bedding will remind them of you and make them feel safe.

By now, you know that warmth is one of the reasons why cats sleep on your legs. So why not provide them with a clever alternative? Heated pads will keep your kitty warm and off your legs. They’ll start opting for these in no time. 

You can also place these heated pads on or inside their bedding to make them feel more comfortable and cozy. 

Wall-mounted beds or shelves are an excellent option if you don’t have enough space for cat beds. You can create a lovely space by adding heated pads and bedding. This will also double as a climbing place and give them a good view of the room.

“Why do cats lay on your legs?” might not be the only thing lingering on your mind. Here are more related questions:

Cats will choose who they’ll sleep with, whether or not that person makes them feel safe. This choice will also be influenced by who feeds them, where they can find the warmest spot, and if they like your scent and sounds. Finally, you can expect a cuddle session with your kitty if you’re their favorite.

Imprinting occurs during the early stages of an animal’s life when they build bonds and grow attached to either their cat parents or owners. There are some tell-tale signs that a cat has imprinted on you. 

Welcoming affection and rubbing on you to mark their territory. 
Communicating with you through meowing or purring at you. Playing with you and instigating play first. Grooming you and wanting to be close to you at all times. Slowly blinking at you and even greeting you when you get home.

Showering you with “gifts” such as mice, spiders, squirrels, or rabbits.  


If you notice your cat won’t stop following you around, it could be that they feel a bit insecure, stressed out, or even a little anxious. This behavior could be encouraged by various things, including loud noises, unfamiliar visitors, a change in routine, having new owners, or when you bring home a new pet. To help your cat adjust to a new environment or changes in routine, consider introducing new elements gradually, providing a consistent schedule, and offering plenty of positive reinforcement and affection

Yes. Cats do miss their owners after being separated from them. While these feisty felines are highly self-dependent, they do notice your absence and lack of love that they are used to receiving. 

Cats may not always show signs of anxiety when detached from their human, but they will likely show signs of happiness when reunited with their owners.

A cat’s gender doesn’t really seem to affect how affectionate they are. In fact, the owner’s gender has a much more significant impact on the cat-human bond.

While this is widely believed, some studies suggest that male cats tend to be more affectionate and social with their owners and other cats in their homes. They are more likely to form strong bonds with the other cats, even if they are from a different litter. 

The rare moments when female cats are affectionate will likely be during heat. This is when you’ll see them rub against almost anything, and they tend to be more vocal as well.

Consider yourself lucky if you’re reading this with a purring ball of fluff fast asleep on your legs. No cat would feel comfortable doing this with someone unless they truly liked them and felt safe with them.

Reach down and give them a loving stroke on the head – just for being their cute and cuddly selves.

If your cat has been sleeping on your legs more often, and it’s becoming a problem, hindering your work or causing leg cramps at night, try to give them affection while they sleep next to you instead.

woman asleep with grey cat in arms

Find them a soft toy to sleep next to, or putting one of your old T-shirts in their bed could also help.

But if it’s not causing any inconvenience, then the only advice I can offer is to savor the love that you’re getting from your finicky feline.

Dr Julia Brassel and her dog Paula

Meet our Veterinary Expert

Dr. Julia Brassel studied in Giessen, Germany and later completed her PhD in Ireland, where she also lived and worked. She has a 17-year-old Dachshund called Paula, who she adopted from a local shelter during her first semester at university.

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Amanda created and owns The Discerning Cat. A lifelong cat lover she is the proud parent of two Siberian cats, Alexei and Vladimir. She is passionate about understanding cats and different cat breeds.

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