
Terrified Dog With Broken Heart Rescued After Owner Says He Doesn’t Want Him Anymore – Mis Animal


Terrified Dog With Broken Heart Rescued After Owner Says He Doesn’t Want Him Anymore Terrified Dog With Broken Heart Rescued After Owner Says He Doesn’t Want Him Anymore
When Howl of a Dog saw an elderly dog wandering near a railroad station, he was limping and his left eye appeared to be wounded.

It was too dangerous to try a rescue there since they were afraid he might run and get struck by a passing train. So they followed him and attempted to steer him to a safer location.

“It was a marathon since he raced away every time we approached him.” “But he gradually realized we were simply trying to help him, or perhaps the aroma of the delicious food finally reached his nose,” they wrote.

They immediately rushed him to the vet and were surprised to learn he had a microchip and an owner, but were saddened by what the owner had to say.

“We hoped for a pleasant dog-owner reunion,” Howl of a Dog explained. “However, when we called the registered owner, he informed us he did not want the dog back and wanted us to take him.”

“Apparently, Bobi (his owner’s name) ran away from home and traveled quite a distance, being located around 10 kilometers away from his house,” they continued. We’ll never know why he left home or why he was no longer desired, but we don’t want to pass judgment; we’re simply grateful that we were able to save him.”

Bobi is 9 years old and weighs about 18 kilograms, according to the Romanian rescue (39 lbs). He is “extremely kind, loving, and obedient, as well as lively and interested.” It’s as though he’s reliving the puppyhood he missed.”

His rescuers have ensured that he has been thoroughly vaccinated and neutered, and he is now searching for a permanent home where he can spend “his final years happy and cherished.”

International adoptions are permitted by Howl of a Dog, and further information is accessible on their website.

In the video below, you can see Bobi’s heartfelt rescue. We’re relieved he’s finally in good care.

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