
Six Kittens Convince Shelter Volunteer to Take Them Home so They Can Have What They Wanted Together


Six kittens convinced a shelter volunteer to take them home, so they could have what they wanted together.

kittens snuggle cuddleNewKittensOnTheBlock

Jennifer who volunteers for Hamilton Humane, was at the shelter a few weeks ago when she came across six kittens vying for her attention. “I saw them in the kitten nursery. They were very vocal and seemed desperate for interaction,” Jennifer told Love Meow.

All six kittens acted as if they were starved for love, meowing incessantly, trying to persuade Jennifer to take them home. “After my volunteer shift, I reached out to the foster team and asked if the kittens needed a place to go.”

The timing was perfect. The next day, the bundle of six got their wish and headed to their foster home.

snuggly kittens sixNewKittensOnTheBlock

The kittens (Jeremiah, Conrad, Taylor, Cam, Steven, Isabel) arrived as a tight-knit clowder. They cuddled in a pile or moved together as a single unit. Shortly after settling into their new space, they nestled up next to each other for a long, healing nap.

As Jennifer entered the room, all six looked up at her with groggy eyes, in a synchronized motion. The moment one of the kittens roused up and made a stretching stride towards their foster mom, the rest of the crew swiftly got on their feet and followed in tow.

kittens attention seekingNewKittensOnTheBlock

In a matter of seconds, the kittens came bounding down near Jennifer’s feet, jockeying for her attention.

At about four weeks old, the kittens were severely underweight, and all had tummy troubles due to a pestering parasite. Not only did they need medical care but also a dedicated volunteer to tend to their needs.

cream kittens sweetTaylor, Jeremiah, ConradNewKittensOnTheBlock

“The first week they were here, it was a battle to keep weight on them. They just weren’t growing.”

With medication and supportive care, the kittens began to improve. Their appetites increased, and they finally started to make steady gains.

tiny gray kittenCamNewKittensOnTheBlock

“I breathed a sigh of relief when Cam (the tiniest of the litter) started gaining and maintaining weight. He’s no longer the smallest,” Jennifer shared.

“They are still undersized for their age, but they are growing more every day.”

kittens snuggle lap catsNewKittensOnTheBlock

In the morning, Jennifer is greeted by six boisterous kittens by the door, screaming at the top of their lungs for breakfast and attention. Food can never be served fast enough for these adorable, impatient patrons.

Some of them will stand up on their hind toes for added urgency.

kittens asking attention breakfastNewKittensOnTheBlock

They move in various cream and gray formations until they submerge their faces into the food, chomping away ravenously.

Steven, the biggest of the bunch, never wants to miss out on any action. “He can be sound asleep, yet immediately hop up at the slightest noise to investigate.”

kittens gray scream sweetJeremiah, Steven (front), Cam, Isabel, Conrad, TaylorNewKittensOnTheBlock

“He has no concept of personal space, often plopping himself down right between or on his sleeping siblings. He likes to climb up to my shoulder and get right in my face and purr.”

With a comfortable home and a doting foster mom to cater to their every whim, the kittens are thriving.

happy kittens cat treeNewKittensOnTheBlock

When all six of them scamper around the room, hopping and pouncing from all directions, it’s a joyous sight to behold.

They are blossoming into happy, healthy, playful kitties.

snuggly kittens cuteNewKittensOnTheBlock

After tiring out from roughhousing, they will curl up together on their cat tree, often squeezing into one bed – a snuggly bundle of cream and gray.

kittens snuggly crewNewKittensOnTheBlock

Share this story with your friends. More on the kittens and Jennifer’s fosters on Instagram @newkittensontheblock.

Related story: Cat Comes to a Balcony and Decides to Begin New Life, He Turns Out to Be the Cutest ‘Supervisor’

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