
No One Stopped — Then This Guy Realized What Was On The Highway


When William Ortiz recently noticed an odd pile of feathers in the middle of a busy local highway in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, the confused animal lover initially didn’t know what to think.

Peeking past the rushing vehicles, Ortiz eventually realized the little animal was a young red tailed hawk who’d been hit by a car and was hopelessly trapped in the middle of the road.

“It was moving from the upcoming traffic,” Ortiz told The Dodo. “I felt so worried for his health.”

As traffic slowed, Ortiz ran into the median and gently wrapped the bird in his jacket. Then he reached out to local animal experts for help.

hawk in highway
Raven Ridge Wildlife Center

Soon, the hawk was safe with Raven Ridge Wildlife Center.

“I just can’t imagine the pain and agony that bird was in,” wildlife rehabilitator Tracie Young told The Dodo.

Young concluded that the bird had suffered severe head trauma. She feared the hawk wouldn’t make it, but prepared to do everything possible to help him.

Miraculously, the hawk responded well to treatment and therapy. Within 72 hours, the bird could open his eyes and stand on his own.

Eventually, the hawk felt well enough to continue his recovery journey. Young found the bird a home nearby with an experienced falconer. Safe with a bird expert, this hawk will relearn how to hunt and, assuming all goes well, will be ready to make it on his own in the spring.

Raven Ridge Wildlife Center

Young hopes this hawk’s story inspires others to look out for wild animals and be mindful of their trash while they’re driving. If drivers keep trash inside their cars and avoid throwing food waste like apple cores onto highways, birds like this one will be less inclined to venture near these dangerous areas.

At the end of the day, Young is grateful for all the animal lovers who came together to save this beautiful bird.

“It really takes a village,” Young said.

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