
Mama Dog Cradling Puppy On Street Is Overjoyed To See Her Rescuers

Jen and Roman McConn weren’t sure what they’d find when they arrived at the roadside location they’d heard about. The local dog rescuers had seen a Facebook post about two abandoned dogs. The McConns hoped the pair had already found safety. But their hopes were dashed when they spotted them out the car window — a mother and puppy, cradling each other on a piece of cold cement.

dogs hugging


As the McConns, who run Project Freedom Ride, approached the little family, they weren’t sure how the dogs would react. Stray dogs don’t always respond kindly to human intervention, but, luckily, the mama was quick with her affection.

“It was amazing,” Jen McConn told The Dodo. “It was like she immediately knew they were safe.”


The McConns called animal control and were eventually permitted to bring the dogs to their rescue. Becky McArdle, another local dog advocate, helped arrange a visit with her veterinarian. Everyone was amazed when the pair received a largely positive diagnosis, having suffered only minor ailments during the time spent on their own.

dog smiling at camera

Jen McConn

After visiting the vet, the dogs, now named Milo and Mina, got situated with a foster. Freshly bathed and rejoicing in the comfort of a home, Milo and Mina let their guards down.

“They weren’t as fond of the baths, but I think they knew it was the beginning of a better life,” McConn said. “After bath time, they immediately came to life. Rolling around, playing, giving love, tons of tail wags. It was great. I think Mina felt like she could finally relax. She didn’t need to protect Milo anymore.”

puppy standing up


Milo and Mina will live with their foster family until early March, when they’ll start looking for their permanent homes.

The two-dog family stuck together through the most difficult circumstances, finding comfort in each other’s embrace. Now, mother and puppy need only give hugs when they’re feeling joyful. It’s all pets and playtime from here.

You can keep up with Milo and Mina’s journey by following Project Freedom Ride on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. To help dogs like Milo and Mina, make a donation to Project Freedom Ride here.

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