
Lilac Point Siamese Cat (2023) | 12 Things You Need to Know


The Lilac Point Siamese is one of four distinct types of Siamese and is among the most well-known. Lilac Points are known today for their exciting and unique coloring, although this was a matter of contention early on.  

It turns out that breeders and cat lovers didn’t recognize the Lilac Point at first, feeling it was just a variation on the Blue Point Siamese – but more on that later. For their part, Lilac Points are now extremely loved by cattists, and the cats love to tell you about it, too! Siamese cats are somewhat vocal and social.  

Let’s take a look at this extraordinary variety of the Siamese cat – their appearance, what to expect when living with one, and whether or not they make good companions.

blue point and lilac point siamese cats
blue point and lilac point siamese cats

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When Lilac Points first appeared at chows, many “experts” dismissed them as poor quality Blue Point variations, presumably because of the similarity in color. It took some time, but eventually, the breed gained recognition in the US in 1955. (Alprazolam)  

They were recognized in Britain five years later, completing the breed’s establishment in the cat world. It’s rather unfortunate that they were initially dismissed and often ridiculed. Thankfully, they are well regarded today.  

The breed is known to have Russian Blue strains in its genetic history. Lilac Points are one of four recognized variations in Siamese cats. Other variations include Chocolate Points, Blue Points, and Seal Points. Lilac and Blue are considered rarer than the other two.

lilac point siamese kitten

You may be interested in learning a few odd but fascinating facts about the Lilac Point or Siamese in general. Here are a few that have fascinated many cat admirers.

Siamese cats are ancient in terms of history. Their exact origin dates are not known, but the best guess suggests they were first documented in Thailand. They remained a jewel of that world region until the 19th century, when they found their way to the US.

A couple of Siamese have held fascinating Guinness World Records. In one case, Siamese/Burmese gave birth to a record number of kittens – 19 in all! Usually, Siamese litters max out at around six.  

In another incident, Guinness named a Siamese cat the oldest cat in the world. Scooter was 30 years old at the time, at least double the expected lifespan of a cat.

Don’t consider adopting a Siamese if you like your cats to be independent. Siamese cats are notoriously clingy and will grab most opportunities to sit on or alongside you. They will also expect a significant amount of attention.

You might be able to mitigate some of this by making sure there are always two Siamese in your home. They just don’t like to be alone.

lilac point siamese cat

Siamese cats, in general, love to be very vocal. They will constantly meow or make other kitty sounds. Often, they get pretty loud. Some people find this adorable. Others may become slightly annoyed and irritated.

Lilac Points are known by their seemingly light blue coats, which have little variation from head to toe – they are, in fact, the lightest of all the point variations. They also have slightly darker eyes than most other Siamese, so let’s dive in. 

On average, Lilac Points grow to between eight and 10 inches tall (20-25cm) and will generally weigh in at 8 to 12 lbs (3.5 – 5.5kg).

The dominant color that informs the pale outlook of a Lilac Point is creamy white. The color is also deceptive because, at face value, it was usually mistaken for having strains of the blue from the Blue Point. It is genetically more closely related to the Chocolate Point, with a diluted color appearing in the coat.   

They have notable frosted ears and tail tips, which are sometimes called “Frost Points.” Overall, they look bluish-= or silver-gray. Compared side by side, a Blue Point is a shade darker than the average Lilac Point. To novice observers, though, the two are often confused.

lilac point siamese cat outside

Siamese likes to spend time with their humans, and they love to play. But how much exercise and play do they need? Most cat experts suggest a minimum of 15-20 minutes of focused exercise play per day. This helps to keep the kitty vital, amused, and fit.   

It’s essential to make sure your cat is getting enough exercise and activity because it helps maintain body weight and muscle fitness. A lot of this can be passive on your part.  

Some cats enjoy climbing, so make sure there are structures and objects to climb on – a good cat tree or scratching post, for example. Some fun cat toys will also be welcome.   Other toys can range from the odd bit of crumbled paper, a box, or the notorious beam of light (from a laser light pointer).

A healthy, balanced diet of protein, vitamins, and appropriate food is the standard for all pets and cats, and Siamese is no different. If anything, Lilac Point Siamese is active and will need mostly meat-based food daily (cats do not digest plant-based food easily).  

lilac point siamese cat on lilac towel

You might enjoy reading more of my articles on Siamese Cats: Siamese Cat Personality, Types of Siamese Cats, Siamese Cats, Are Siamese Cats good mousers?, Why do Siamese Cats meow so much?, When do Siamese cats stop growing, Siamese Munchkin Cat, Are Siamese Cats mean?, Do Siamese Cats shed?, Do Siamese Cats fur change color?, How big do Siamese Cats get?, Why does my Siamese Cat attack me?, Siamese Cats in Heat, Signs my cat is a Siamse Mix and Male vs Female Siamese Cats.

The safest options are to feed dry kitty kibble based on chicken and fish, which contain essential minerals and acids for general cat health. Invest in good dry kibble for the regular daily meals.  

From time to time, you can also supplement with a portion of high-quality wet food, again, provided it is animal-based. Look at labels to ensure proper animal protein is present.

The Siamese is relatively light on shedding due to their shorter coats. Usually, a brush once or twice a week will be sufficient. Be sure to provide a good cat scratching post so that the kitty can keep its nails maintained.

Lilac Points are curious and playful, a typical Siamese personality. As mentioned, they are happiest when close to their humans and seldom like to be left alone. They are known to follow people around the house and talk openly about their lives in general.

lilac point siamese cat on ledge

It stands to reason that they are very social in family life. The downside is that they will require lots of attention. As with most cats, it’s difficult to assess their suitability for small children. They will either tolerate or avoid kids, depending on the unique situation and personality of your kitty.

Surprisingly – or perhaps not – Siamese cats prefer to get along with other pets. This is because they are social and enjoy lots of playtime. They also hate to be alone, so anyone (or anything) in the home is a potential friend.

Most owners of Lilacs will tell you that they are challenging to train. Yet, they are intelligent and will pick up on habits very quickly. The best advice is to attempt any training early, especially if you plan to keep the cat indoors. Litter box training, for example, is best done from day one of adoption.

In general, our Lilac Point is a healthy cat, living a good 10-15 years. Many Siamese live longer than this, it must be noted, perhaps because of their tendency to not seek adventures in the great outdoors. Good diet and exercise will also contribute to a longer life. 

lilac point siamese cat on fluffy rug

Lilac Points, and by extension Siamese, do have a few specific issues that may occur – at least statistically speaking.

Hip Dysplasia is one of those conditions that afflict certain pets. Commonly, it’s associated with large dogs. But the Siamese is somewhat prone to the condition. It’s caused when the hip joint doesn’t develop properly, causing incorrect posture, sometimes pain, and possibly hindered movement. Fortunately, it is usually manageable.

https://icatcare.org/advice/amyloidosis/ that involves cellular level anomalies. In simple terms, proteins called amyloids are abnormally deposited outside of cells, leading to organ and tissue problems or failure. Siamese, along with a few other breeds, are predisposed to this condition.

Scientists have not yet identified a specific genetic reason for the condition but have indicated that it appears in older cats more than in younger ones. There also seems to be a better chance of diagnosis if the cat’s family line had the condition.

PRA isn’t one specific condition but can be a combination of issues that affect the eyes, leading to problems with vision and even blindness. There are two main categorizations of the disease – one is inherited genetically, and the other seems to be related to age.  

In genetic PRA, the cat experiences abnormally developed photoreceptor cells. With age-related onset PRA, the cones and rods of the eye degenerate, leading to possible eventual blindness.

lilac point lynx siamese

Purebred, pedigreed Siamese cats can cost a fair amount of money. It largely depends on several factors like color, age, and breeding pedigree.  

In many cases, adopting from a shelter is an advantageous option. Costs are nominal, based on the shelter’s policy of medical clearance, registration, and so on.  

Seeking a cat from a breeder could cost you anything from $300-$3000. In this case, you will likely be presented with full certification. In the case of a Lilac Point, the specific look and coloring should be glacial white with slight pink tones on the points. The eyes, as mentioned, are blue.  

The price may also rise if the cat has a show pedigree or if its parents did. Top-end breeders will also look for head shape and other physical features. In general, Siamese cats are in high demand and do, on average, cost more than most other breeds.  

Keep in mind the running costs of owning a pet. A Lilac Point Siamese will require regular checkups, a good food regimen, and possibly the odd professional groom.   

Are you considering a Lilac Point Siamese? They are lovely cats with a very clear desire to snuggle and play. They will also be great talkative companions for your home. Best of all, they are beautiful, and will definitely attract a lot of attention from everyone who arrives at your home.

two siamese cats
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Amanda created and owns The Discerning Cat. A lifelong cat lover she is the proud parent of two Siberian cats, Alexei and Vladimir. She is passionate about understanding cats and different cat breeds.

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