
Kittens Brought to Front Yard by a Cat, One of Them Needed Help So He Could Walk and Run with His Brother


Kittens Brought to Front Yard by a Cat, One of Them Needed Help So He Could Walk and Run with His Brother

Two kittens were brought to a front yard by a cat. One of them needed help so he could walk and run with his brother someday.

kitten splinted legsMilton the kittenKitten Nuggets

A feral cat showed up outside a resident’s home and decided to raise her kittens there. While they were living in the front yard, the homeowner discovered that one of the kittens had deformed limbs.

The orange tabby’s back legs were splayed out to the sides and his front limbs appeared twisted. The finder reached out to her local cat rescue and hoped to get the kitten the care he needed to thrive.

Upon receiving the request, Jennifer Csenge, founder of Kitten Nuggets, didn’t hesitate to take on the kitten named Milton and his brother, Nash.

kitten ginger legsHe was found in someone’s front yardKitten Nuggets

“I couldn’t leave Nash behind.” The feral cat mom was spayed, retired from motherhood, and is being cared for by volunteers.

The two kittens came into foster care, eager for affection from people. They were set up in a comfortable nursery with soft bedding and plenty of good food.

black kitten yardNash the kittenKitten Nuggets

At mealtime, Milton would scream at the top of his lungs, while his brother Nash tried to keep up with his endearing silent meows and chatters.

“Milton had swimmer’s syndrome in his back legs (so they splayed out) and because of this, he had a flat chest (his ribs were flattening which squished his heart and lungs),” Jennifer told Love Meow.

meowing kitten twisted legsMilton came with a big voiceKitten Nuggets

“He also had bent front arms, which x-rays showed he was missing some bones in his wrists.”

Because Milton rotated his wrists and walked on the back of his paws, he needed treatment to correct his legs, train his muscles to walk normally and fix his chest.

ginger kitten twisted legsMilton had swimmer’s syndrome in his back legs and bent front legsKitten Nuggets

“After my vet placed the hobbles on his back legs and splinted his front limbs, it kept him off his chest, and his chest rounded out on its own without a brace.”

The hobbles kept his hind legs at a more appropriate distance, training him to walk and not “swim”.

kitten splinted legsHis legs were wrapped to help them into the correct positionKitten Nuggets

His splints forced his front legs into a more anatomically correct position which allows him to walk and run on his feet. Milton adjusted quickly to being wrapped and took it all in stride.

Slowly but surely, he started to stand on his paws with the wraps on, as his legs became straighter and stronger.

kitten leg treatmentMilton had splints on his front legs and hobbles on his back legsKitten Nuggets

After three weeks of treatment, Milton graduated from the wraps and turned into an unbridled ball of energy, tackling toys with all fours. “His back legs were properly under him and his front limbs straightened out nicely,” Jennifer shared.

“He’s walking on his paws (instead of the backs of his paws). He’s not swimming anymore and gets around fairly normally.”

ginger kitten polydactylMilton is now wrap-free, and can walk around on all four feetKitten Nuggets

Throughout their foster journey, the two kittens have never been apart. Nash has been a source of comfort and strength for his brother, keeping him company at all times.

They complement each other perfectly, like partners in mischief.

ginger kittens best friendsMilton and Nash share an adorable bondKitten Nuggets

“Milton and Nash are the sweetest duo. They love to wrestle with each other, and when they’re sleepy, they snuggle up together and nurse the side of their bed,” Jennifer told Love Meow.

sweet kittens best friendsKitten Nuggets

“They’re the most perfect boys and deserve the most perfect forever family.”

snuggly kittens friends thumbsBest of friendsKitten Nuggets

Share this story with your friends. Milton and Nash are looking for a loving home via Kitten Nuggets on Instagram @kitten.nuggets.

Related story: Kitten Found Outside Using Only Front Paws to Walk, Immediately Wants to Play and Affection from Everyone

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