
Dog Who Was Chained Up With Her Newborn Puppies Looks So Different Now

Morgan was abandoned in a backyard in South Carolina after her family moved away, confined on a heavy chain, unable to move very much at all. She was left alone and chained up for two whole weeks — and during that time she gave birth to eight puppies. Poor Morgan struggled to care for her babies while chained up, with no food or water at all, before someone finally decided to call for help. 

After being rescued by animal control, Morgan and her puppies were transported to New York and taken in by Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. They immediately went into foster care, and as soon as they arrived, it became clear just how neglected poor Morgan had been in her previous home. 


“Morgan came emaciated, with a blown-out right knee, a compromised left knee and bowed front legs, presumably from malnourishment and desperately trying to pull off of her heavy chain,” Kristin Dubnoff, Morgan’s foster mom, told The Dodo. 

dog chained up with puppies

Kristin Dubnoff

The sweet 2-year-old dog was able to have surgery on one of her knees shortly after arriving in her foster home, but afterward was diagnosed with heartworms, and therefore could not have the next surgery right away. Poor Morgan was so broken when she arrived in her foster home, and looked so terrible … 


Kristin Dubnoff

… but with lots of love and rest, Morgan quickly transformed into a healthy, happy dog, who just wants to love and be loved more than anything else, despite everything she’s been through. 

dog chained up with babies

Kristin Duboff

During her time with her puppies in foster care, Morgan was the best mom, and her foster siblings also pitched in and helped play with the puppies while Morgan recovered from surgery. Morgan struggled to care for her puppies while they were all trapped in that backyard, and because of that ordeal, she has become incredibly protective and alert toward anyone or anything that might need her — heartbreakingly so. 


“She would become upset when a squeaky toy made a noise and would race to find it and she would gingerly carry it away to silent safety,” Dubnoff said. “I can only imagine that she didn’t want to hear babies cry anymore. She was helpless on the chain for so long.” 

dog chained up with puppies

Kristin Dubnoff

The puppies eventually grew old enough to be put up for adoption, and all eight of them have since gone off to their loving forever homes. Morgan has been in foster care for over six months now, and has no potential adopters lined up to take her — even though all Morgan wants, in the whole entire world, is to love every single person she meets. 


“Morgan has always been incredibly receptive to all love and attention from every man, woman and child these past six months,” Dubnoff said. “It is as if Morgan truly has been waiting her whole life just to be touched. Wherever you are, she is there. She will lay in front of you, behind you, next to you or on you, but she is always ready to be even closer. Without a word, if you put your hand open at your side, she will rush over to place her face in your palm. She is just absolutely darling.” 


Kristin Dubnoff

Separation anxiety has also been an issue for Morgan, but her foster mom is working hard to help her overcome that, and she’s made so much progress so far. Morgan was left alone and neglected for so long that now she just wants to be loved all the time, and would love a family where someone is almost always around to cuddle with her, take her places and reassure her that she’ll never be truly alone ever again. 

dog chained up with babies

Kristin Dubnoff

Morgan would do best in a home with no cats or small dogs. She currently lives in a foster home with three dogs the same size as her, and while she took some time to warm up, she’s now the best foster sister ever, and could probably adjust to other large dogs in her new home as well. She would love a calm, loving, sometimes goofy home where she always has someone to hang out with, and just wants a chance to prove what an incredible dog she really is. 


“Morgan is intelligent, loving, gentle, silly, desperately affectionate and loyal,” Dubnoff said. “She is an absolute joy to be with and honestly it has been an honor to walk her through this part of her journey.”

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