
Dog walker’s minibus captures hearts on the internet


Can dogs behave on a minibus? You are dog gone right they can! A dog-walking businesswoman gets a minibus to transport the pups. Many happy dogs come out of the bus and frolic in the snow. You see the dog walker come outside to meet the canines, and the dogs are happily playing.

Back on the bus, the woman calls out the dogs by name and gives them their treats. The pups obviously adore her as they look up at her with puppy dog eyes when she gives them their treats. They are like little first graders with assigned seating. They all know where they are supposed to sit! So polite waiting for their treats! She has an AM crew and a PM crew she takes care of.

All the pups are so cute, and the woman diligently looks after these dogs every day. However, not all have the same dogs daily, as some have different schedules. It is adorable when she puts the Do Not Pet jacket on Little Louie, who does not like being petted by strangers. When she says “stay” the dogs listen, which is a testament to how much care and attention she gives those precious pups!

It is great to see that the German Shepherd stays true to the breed and lets all the dogs get off first and is the last dog to get off before the woman, as he is protecting her and her baby. After a day of fun, the dogs all get back on the bus. The little white dog, at the end, patiently waits until everyone gets on, and she is called up to the bus to go on board.

An Alaskan dog walker gets creative and gets all the canines she pup sits for a rare treat: a minibus to take them on extraordinary adventures. These are the most patient and well-behaved dogs. They have assigned seating and wait until they are called to get on and off the bus.

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