
Dog Saving The Soldiers From The Shot Received The Highest Honor – Mis Animal

The protagonist of this story about a hero with wagging tails and hair is a dog named Kuno who went above and beyond his obligations by putting his life on the line for soldiers. He created history by going above and beyond his obligations and risking his life to save the soldiers. The British military awarded him the Dickin Medal for deeds that went above and beyond the call of duty. Nobody deserves it more than he does.

Kuno’s Sacrifice is a story about a little child named Kuno who makes a sacrifice. Kuno had completed a number of successful missions. The final one, though, was critical. He assisted British soldiers during an al-Qaeda attack. However, something unexpected happened. Machine gun-wielding attackers swiftly encircled British soldiers. After witnessing his human comrades captive, Kuno resolved to help them.

After terrorists shot grenades and machine guns at him, Sherrain Reber was pinned down and unable to move. Kuno sensed this and dashed through a hail of gunshots to prevent the attacker’s plan. The task was successfully executed. Kuno was gravely hurt as a result of the procedure of rescuing his soldiers. He was transferred to the US Army Veterinary Treatment Facility for treatment after his back legs were loaded with gunshot wounds.

After his paw was severed, Kuno was forced to wear a brace on one side and a prosthetic on the other.

Kuno currently wears a brace on one side and a prosthetic on the other as a result of the injuries. Kuno was the first Military Working Dog in the United Kingdom to be equipped with a prosthetic limb in 2016. After he retired, he was adopted by a kind family. As a result, Kuno has more free time to do anything he wants. He may now enjoy his life as a dog in a loving household.

He is the 72nd animal to earn the Dickin Medal since its inception by the People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals (PDSA). Among the other 71 animals to get the medal are 35 dogs, 32 WW2 messenger pigeons, four horses, and one cat.

In a statement, British Defense Secretary Ben Wallace said Kuno merited the Dickin Medal for his bravery. She went on to remark that the medal is a major acknowledgment of their military dogs’ local and foreign accomplishments. Throughout the story, we are reminded that these creatures were there to keep us safe.

Finally, he’s enjoying his retirement with his family. He deserved to be able to unwind and enjoy his retirement. His devotion, sacrifice, and bravery will be remembered for the rest of his life!


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