
Dog Refuses To Put More Than One Paw Out In The Cold


For such a small dog, Norman has always had a huge personality, and he loves to goof around and let his family know exactly what he wants. 

“He’s so silly and mischievous,” Denise White, Norman’s mom, told The Dodo. “Nonstop hiding and trying to eat paper products.” 

dog refuses to go out in snow

Denise White

Norman’s favorite thing to do is hide under cozy blankets and only emerge if he needs a snack, and now that it’s winter, being under the blankets is pretty much his default state. 

dog refuses to go out in snow

Denise White

After a recent snowstorm, Norman’s mom disturbed him from his blanket-hiding to take him outside to do his business and get a little fresh air. After the door was opened for him, Norman peeked outside, put one paw out in the snow — and immediately retreated back inside. 

dog refuses to go out in snow

Denise White

“He put one paw out, looked up at me and RAN back in and went straight for the couch,” White said. 

Norman’s family tried to get him to go back outside, but his stance was very clear: He prefers the cozy life, and there was nothing cozy about the freezing cold snow. 

dog refuses to go out in snow

Denise White

Knowing they had to get him back outside somehow, Norman’s dad worked on making the conditions outside a little more bearable for tiny Norman — and finally, three hours later, he reluctantly left his blankets and ventured out into the cold.

“He wouldn’t go back outside until my husband totally cleared a path with ice melt and there was no snow touching his stumpy paws,” White said.

Norman is a dog who knows what he wants, and now his family knows too that snow is definitely not his thing.

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