
Dog Is Concerned After Noticing Someone Sneakily Taking Her Photo


Molly has been with her mom since she was just a tiny puppy, and the pair are inseparable. They’ve been through all the ups and downs of life together, and Molly is always happy to be there for her mom with whatever she’s going through. 

“Sometimes I think she thinks she is human,” Alyssa Babula, Molly’s mom, told The Dodo. “Couldn’t imagine my life without her!” 

pit bull engagement

Alyssa Babula

Recently, Babula’s boyfriend, Dann Delorenzo, took Babula and Molly for a walk on the beach — and neither of them had any idea that he was about to change their lives forever. 


As they walked along the water, Delorenzo suddenly got down on one knee and asked Babula to marry him. She was completely shocked — and apparently, so was Molly. 

pit bull engagement

Alyssa Babula

Delorenzo had asked one of their friends to hide behind a nearby building and pop out to capture the incredible moment when the time came. As soon as she jumped out and started taking photos, Molly was very confused to see her — leading to a photograph where Molly looks less than happy about her parents’ engagement. 


Once she got over the initial shock, though, Molly was very excited to see the photographer and make a new friend … 

pit bull engagement

Alyssa Babula

… and was eventually even more excited when she realized what had actually been going on behind her the whole time. 

pit bull engagement

Alyssa Babula

“I had no idea and was surprised and truly happy he involved our girl,” Babula said. 

Once she was a little less confused, Molly happily posed with her newly engaged parents, and seemed just as thrilled about the whole thing as they were. The couple has already set a date, April 3, 2021, and they’re definitely planning on having Molly be a part of the ceremony

pit bull engagement

Alyssa Babula

The little family is so excited for their life together, and are so happy they have pictures to remember the day it all started — even if Molly is totally photobombing in every single one of them.

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