
Dog Gives Birth In Back Of Car Immediately After Being Rescued

Rebecca Lynch was on vacation with her husband in Savannah, Georgia, when she decided to make an unplanned stop before returning home. While most people would stock up on souvenirs, Lynch decided to bring home something more meaningful.

“I know that Georgia has a lot of rural, high-kill shelters and I knew I wanted to save the neediest dog from a shelter before I went home,” Lynch told The Dodo. “I had space in my car and wanted to help.”

Lynch heard about Lizzy, a young terrier at risk of euthanasia, from a friend who lived in the area. Someone had dumped pregnant Lizzy at a shelter, according to Lynch.

Pregnant dog saved from Georgia shelter

Rebecca Lynch

Lynch knew she couldn’t let the young dog, who also had a broken leg, suffer anymore.

In order to make the hours-long drive to Florida comfortable for the homeless pup, the couple placed a bed and a blanket in the back seat. Lynch also sat next to Lizzy, petting her softly, while her husband drove.

“I knew she was nervous and scared and I just wanted to comfort her on the ride,” Lynch said.

Lizzy the rescue dog on freedom ride

Rebecca Lynch

But the couple may have done too good a job of making Lizzy feel safe.

“About an hour in, she finally relaxed and rubbed her little head into my hand while I pet her,” Lynch said. “Once she felt safe and comfortable, she decided it was time. She started panting and she got restless; I told my husband, ‘I think she’s in labor!’”

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It only took 20 minutes for Lizzy to give birth to her first puppy in the back of the car. Lynch acted as a midwife, helping to keep the new mom calm and make sure all the babies were safe.

By the time they reached a vet, Lizzy had brought three puppies into the world. “She was a pro!” Lynch said. “We went straight to the vet and they said everything looked good.”

But it didn’t stop there, Lynch noted: “Lizzy had another puppy at the vet, then two more on the car ride home. It was quite an experience and Lizzy was such an awesome little mommy.”

A puppy born in a car

Rebecca Lynch

After an eventful freedom ride, the little family is doing well. Lizzy and her six pups will spend a few more days at the vet before returning to Lynch’s house, where they will be fostered until all are ready to find their forever homes.

Lizzy the rescue dog with her six puppies

Rebecca Lynch

Lizzy knows how lucky she is — and makes sure to show her rescuers that she’s grateful for the second chance.

“Lizzy is a doll. Bless her heart, with all that she’s been through in her short life, she is so loving and trusting,” Lynch said. “She is a gentle and loving soul. Pretty remarkable.”

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