
Creating a “Relaxing Corner” in Your Garden: 30 Best Ideas

Taking a nap, lounging, sunbathing, rocking, chatting with a friend, dreaming, and contemplating the beauty of your garden is possible! How about a resting spot in the shade of the trees? An intimate nest of greenery and flowers? A sunbathing terrace in the heart of a grove of grasses? A relaxing spot by the water or in a place specially designed for night-time relaxation and stargazing?

No matter the size, backyards are meant to be a source of enjoyment and refuge—a place in which to escape when you want to unwind, relax, and have fun.

Is your outdoor space more a place you want to get away from than an enticing getaway? A yard cluttered with too much patio furniture, outdoor structures (like gazebos), and children’s play equipment is going to appear chaotic.

In fact, you might find yourself trying to avoid the backyard if there’s too much stuff, you find it difficult to move around, or there is always a project calling out your name.

Starting with as clean or bare of a slate as possible, assess your yard for elements it needs to make it a place you want to get away to; a refuge for kicking back and relaxing or enjoying the things you love, like swimming, working out, or eating with friends and family.

An outdoor living space has much potential and can provide sun, shade, views, and fresh air. Enjoy all it has to offer and consider the following ideas to transform your space when transforming it into an oasis.

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