
El hallazgo de una gigantesca tortuga dorada enterrada por milenios

En una historia que resuena en el tiempo, recientemente hice un descubrimiento profundo: una colosal tortuga dorada escondida en lo profundo de una cueva, intacta durante decenas de miles de…

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Tesoro de 600 monedas medievales: Hallazgo declarado y posibilidad de gran recompensa.

Se descubrió en Buckinghamshire un tesoro de 600 monedas medievales por valor de 150.000 libras esterlinas. Dariusz Fijalkowski, Mateusz Nowak Andrew Winter y Tobiasz Nowak descubrieron el tesoro escondido El…

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Encuentro fortuito: Hombre descubre cofre con 9.999 lingotes de oro desde la Segunda Guerra Mundial (vídeo)

Descubrimiento de Fortυitoυs: Map Fiпds 9,999 lingotes de oro abandonados en la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Un golpe de suerte le llegó a un mapa de Europa cuando encontró un cofre…

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Prehistoric piercings may have been coming-of-age ritual

Diagram showing examples of the ornaments found and indicating how they may have been worn. Credit: Antiquity (2024). DOI: 10.15184/aqy.2024.28 Archaeologists have discovered more than 100 ornaments for use in…

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Archeoastronomy uses the rare times and places of previous total solar eclipses to help us measure history

A photograph of the 2017 total solar eclipse, taken at the Oregon State Fair Grounds, Salem, Ore. Credit: Dominic Hart/NASA In 648 BCE, the Greek poet Archilochus wrote that “nothing…

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Human activity on Curaçao began centuries earlier than previously believed, study finds

New research, co-led by SFU and published in the Journal of Coastal and Island Archaeology, places human occupation of Curaçao as far back as 5735–5600 BCE, up to 850 years…

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New evidence suggests Ötzi the Iceman’s tattoos were made using a single-pointed tool

This shows tattoo artist Danny Riday tattooing his own leg using a bone awl made from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). This variety of puncture tattooing, colloquially known as “hand poke”…

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Study reveals ‘cozy domesticity’ of prehistoric stilt-house dwellers in England’s ancient marshland

An illustrated reconstruction of the Bronze Age stilt settlement unearthed at Must Farm in the East of England. Credit: Cambridge Archaeological Unit A major report on the remains of a…

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New archive of ancient human brains challenges misconceptions of soft tissue preservation

Fragments of brain from an individual buried in a Victorian workhouse cemetery (Bristol, UK), some 200 years ago. No other soft tissue survived among the bones, which were dredged from…

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Tudor era horse cemetery in Westminster revealed as likely resting place for elite imported animals

Exeter researchers analyzing bones recovered from the horse cemetery. Credit: University of Exeter Archaeological analysis of a near unique animal cemetery discovered in London nearly 30 years ago has revealed…

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