
Cat Once Listed as ‘Scared’ Now Reigns Over Apartment and Even Shares it with Another Kitty


A cat who was once listed as “scared”, now reigns over the apartment and even shares it with another kitty.

calico cat bellyCallista the catBestFriendsFelines

A beautiful calico found herself at a shelter with no home to call her own. She was around 2-4 years old and desperately needed rescue.

When directors of Best Friends Felines received a plea for help, they leapt into action. They started rallying support from social media to arrange transport for the cat. Within a few days, they were able to get her safely into their care.

She was listed as a “scared cat” after having gone through a long ordeal, but behind the mask of fear was a heart yearning for connection.

shelter calico catShe was rescued from an animal shelterBestFriendsFelines

The calico, named Callista, was incredibly underweight, and her teeth weren’t in good shape. Terrified and unsure about her new environment, she hissed and swiped at the air, just as she had done at the shelter.

Her foster mom, Cat, was determined to help her learn to trust. “Cat was happy to give her all the time she needed as well as all the love in the world,” Best Friends Felines shared.

calico cat sweetCallista was scared and unsure and needed a lot of help to learn to trustBestFriendsFelines

For the first few weeks, Callista struggled to put on weight as she slowly adjusted to her spacious room. After receiving the necessary veterinary care and switching to a high-quality food, the calico started to make progress.

At the sight of a visitor, she ducked under furniture, only to emerge moments later, nervously seeking attention before retreating into her safe place.

calico cat tinyBestFriendsFelines

It was evident that she craved affection. Her eyes were filled with a deep longing for love. She needed someone willing to work with her confidence and putting up with her attitude when she showed it.

“Callista derives from Greek, meaning ‘she that is most beautiful’ – and once you lay eyes on this girl, you will understand how her name was chosen.”

calico cat beautifulBestFriendsFelines

After some time, the calico worked up her courage to seek out head rubs, on her terms. “She is a princess after all. She is a loving and sweet girl once she starts to come out of her shell.”

Callista was believed to be a solo cat after displaying staunch disapproval towards other cats as well as a strong desire to be the one and only in the house.

calico cat belly rubsAfter weeks in foster care, she started to warm up to peopleBestFriendsFelines

When they began searching for the right home for Callista, they hoped for one that would fulfill all her needs.

“When we first found her, we shared her story with our followers. We were inundated with requests to help, and we thought for sure that she would be adopted in record time,” Best Friends Felines shared.

calico cat big stretchBestFriendsFelines

“She needed a lot of time and patience to adjust and learn that she was safe and loved.”

Month after month, she gazed out at the world, dreaming of a day when she would have a place to call her own. After half a year of waiting, her wish was realized.

calico cat beautifulShe spent six months in foster careBestFriendsFelines

Anneke fell head over heels for the calico and was willing to go to any lengths to help her feel at home. “They were the perfect match. Callista left (foster) care, and there wasn’t a dry eye in the house.”

Callista explored around her new home and found a comfortable spot to lie down, right on Anneke’s bed.

calico cat happyCallista lay down on a comfy spot in her forever homeAnneke

Over the months that followed, Callista (or Callie) really came into her own and claimed every inch of her house.

The biggest surprise, since her adoption, has been her openness to accepting a feline addition into her life.

calico cat bellyShe’s truly blossomed since she was adoptedBestFriendsFelines

Callista who was adamantly opposed to sharing her space with other cats, has had a change of heart.

She warmed up to a rescued tuxedo cat and decided to share her home and all her beds with him.

calico cat tuxedo kittyShe has even gained a new feline brotherBestFriendsFelines

“She was listed as one of your ‘scared cats’ but has reigned over the apartment, and even lives with her rescue brother cat now.”

calico cat beautifulBestFriendsFelines

Share this story with your friends. More on Best Friends Felines on Instagram @bestfriendsfelines and Facebook.

Related story: Cat Comes to Stay with Kind Person Right Before an Overnight Freeze, But It Turns Out to Be Forever

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