
Cat Entrusts Kind People with 6 Kittens So She Can Enjoy What She’s Always Wanted


A cat entrusted kind people with her six kittens, so she could enjoy what she’d always wanted.

six tabby kittens lineup@jennys_animal_house

Earlier this year, a cat and her six newborns were transferred to an animal shelter, desperately needing a foster home. Jenny who volunteers for the shelter, welcomed them in with open arms.

She noticed that the cat mom wasn’t actively feeding her kittens, and her milk supply was very low. “When I picked them up, the kittens were lethargic, low energy, and despite being a few days old, all were still under 100 grams,” Jenny shared with Love Meow.

“The babies were trying to nurse but weren’t getting what they needed.”

cat nursing kittens tabbiesBlossom the cat@jennys_animal_house

Jenny tried to bottle-feed the litter, but they were too frail to suckle. She ended up tube-feeding them around the clock for days, an arduous task to take on by herself.

“Once they had some energy back, I placed them back with Blossom (the cat mom).”

sweet cat nursing kittens@jennys_animal_house

Even though Blossom’s milk started to come in, it wasn’t sufficient to satisfy six hungry mouths, so Jenny continued supplementing them as needed.

Over the next few days, Blossom spent most of her time lounging away from her kittens. She would tend to them when they cried, clean and nurse them the best she could, but was clearly stressed from the mommy duties.

kittens walking blanket@jennys_animal_house

She had a sweet temperament but much preferred doing her own things. When the kittens started to lose weight and Blossom’s appetite and energy waned, Jenny intervened in their best interest.

“I gave it about two weeks to see if Blossom would be able to adequately care for them before finally having to separate.”

fluffy tabby kittens@jennys_animal_house

Blossom immediately relaxed in her new foster home, enjoying the company of her people. Her laid-back and endearing personality returned.

“I’d been supplementally tube-feeding the kittens as they didn’t want to take a bottle. Having to tube six kittens every couple of hours, I was exhausted and needed help.”

fluffy kittens snuggle cuddle@jennys_animal_house

A fellow foster carer, Penny, came to lend a hand for the weekend. Once all the kittens were able to latch, their appetites soared.

The clowder of six (Chiclet, Skittles, Pez, Tic Tac, Jelly Bean and Gumdrop) graduated into a spacious room as they became more inquisitive and mobile. They explored around their surroundings and tried to climb whatever they could lay their paws on.

playful fluffy kittens@jennys_animal_house

By the time they started weaning, the six mischief-makers would cover themselves in food, creating a fluffy mess for their foster mom to clean up.

While the kittens were crossing milestones, Blossom went on to find the family of her dreams. “It’s a great feeling when you get to stop the cycle (usually they’ve had multiple litters) and find them a loving family.”

sweet tabby cat@jennys_animal_house

When all six of them scampered around the house at once, their cacophony of pattering paws and meows filled the air. It was a sight to behold.

The kittens befriended other fosters, racing around with them as if they owned the place. “They’ll just form a new crew with whatever other kittens are around, related or not.”

fluffy kittens tabbyJoan Jett, a foster kitten, decided to join their crew@jennys_animal_house

When the “candy” kittens were ready for their next chapter, one after another, they were adopted by loving families.

A family was seeking a good companion for their young cat when they met Jelly Bean. “They fell in love with her. She will have a human sister to love and adore as well.”

fluffy kittens cat friendHanging out with Freddie the resident cat@jennys_animal_house

Chiclet and Tic Tac matched each other’s unbridled energy and always played in synch. When a family was looking for two energetic, playful kittens, the duo was the perfect fit.

“They went home that weekend and are busy keeping their new parents entertained.”

kittens fluffy window watching@jennys_animal_house

Pez was the most independent of the bunch. While the others tore through the house with their antics, he’d find a quiet spot to snooze.

“Pez went home with his very excited parents. He will have a kitten friend around his age to grow up with.”

fluffy tabby kittens@jennys_animal_house

Skittles and Gumdrop, the two bonded sisters, found their loving home together with a new feline brother and sister to spend their life with.

“They are angels and were meant to stay together,” their adopter shared.

tabby fluffy sister kittensSkittles and Gumdrop@jennys_animal_house

Share this story with your friends. More on Jenny’s fosters on Instagram @jennys_animal_house.

Related story: Cat Comes to Stay with Woman Right Before an Overnight Freeze, But It Turns out to Be Forever

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