
Camera Catches Puppy Sneaking Into His Brother’s Room For Sweetest Reason


From the day Moose met his brother, Noah, he’s been watching over him.

“He’s loved Noah since the day we brought him home and vice versa,” Lauren Carpio, the pair’s mom, told The Dodo. “They instantly made a connection.”

dog and his brother
Lauren Carpio

It’s as if Moose always knew Noah needed a little extra protection, and he was right. Noah was born with heart issues that required multiple surgeries, and he unfortunately suffered some complications and developed seizures. His parents have had to keep a close watch on him because of it — and they quickly realized that Moose was watching, too.

“We have a camera in his room called the Sami — it’s for people with epilepsy,” Carpio said. “We have a live feed we can watch, and it will alarm if he has any sudden jerking movements. I remember seeing Moose on the camera one night when he was still a puppy, and he just never stopped going in there.”

dog and his brother
Lauren Carpio

Every single night, Moose diligently heads into Noah’s room to make sure he’s doing OK. He checks on him multiple times throughout the night, and it never gets any less adorable.

“A lot of times, he will walk up to his bed and check on him, then give him a kiss (which will sometimes wake Noah up) and then sleep right next to his bed,” Carpio said.

dog and his brother
Lauren Carpio

Moose wants to make sure he’s always nearby in case Noah needs him — and when something does happen, Moose refuses to leave his brother’s side.

“I’d say he is more observant when Noah isn’t feeling well, or right after he has had a seizure,” Carpio said. “He will stay right next to his side just staring at him, and give him a good lick on the cheeks every couple of minutes. Just to make sure Noah knows he’s there with him the entire time.”

dog and his brother
Lauren Carpio

When Moose’s family adopted him, they had no idea they were actually adopting a therapy dog and best friend for their son, but that’s absolutely what happened. Moose has taken it upon himself to be Noah’s protector, and his family is forever grateful for him.

“I wish I could travel around the world and let everyone spend a day with Moose — it’s hard to put into words how special he really is,” Carpio said.

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