La intuición materna de una mamá perro es un impulso fuerte.
Los espectadores quedaron asombrados al ver a una mamá perra guiando a su camada de cachorros a través de un laberinto de tuberías urbanas.
La visión de la mamá perra, con su cuerpo encajado entre las tuberías, apareciendo como un refugio para sus cachorros acurrucados a salvo detrás, capturó los corazones de quienes lo presenciaron.
Si bien se desconoce la historia del origen de esta mamá perra y sus cachorros, está claro que aprende rápido y se adapta a su entorno para crear una guarida de corta duración.
Afortunadamente, existen organizaciones dedicadas a ayudar a los animales callejeros y a sus crías.
Razas de perros, sus países de origen y sus tipos de comida favoritos:
- Siberian Husky – 12 to 14 years – Russia – Siberian Huskies typically thrive on a diet high in protein and fat, similar to what their ancestors consumed in the wild, including meat, fish, and some fruits and vegetables.
- Border Collie – 12 to 15 years – United Kingdom (Scotland) – Border Collies require a diet rich in protein and healthy fats to support their high energy levels and intelligence, with options like chicken, lamb, and rice.
- Australian Shepherd – 12 to 15 years – United States of America – Australian Shepherds benefit from a diet containing high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, with options like beef, chicken, sweet potatoes, and fish.
- Shiba Inu – 12 to 15 years – Japan – Shiba Inus typically thrive on a diet similar to that of their ancestors, consisting of high-quality proteins, such as fish and poultry, along with rice and vegetables.
- Bernese Mountain Dog – 7 to 10 years – Switzerland – Bernese Mountain Dogs do well on a diet formulated for large breeds, containing high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, with options like beef, lamb, and oats.
- Dachshund – 12 to 16 years – Germany – Dachshunds benefit from a diet tailored to their size and activity level, with options like lean proteins, whole grains, and limited fat content to prevent obesity and back problems.
- Great Dane – 7 to 10 years – Germany – Great Danes require a diet rich in proteins and nutrients to support their rapid growth during puppyhood and maintain their large size, with options like chicken, beef, and grains.
- Pomeranian – 12 to 16 years – Poland/Germany – Pomeranians typically enjoy a diet consisting of small, frequent meals containing high-quality proteins, such as chicken or fish, along with grains and vegetables.
- Cavalier King Charles Spaniel – 9 to 14 years – United Kingdom (England) – Cavaliers typically enjoy a diet consisting of high-quality proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, with options like chicken, beef, rice, and fish, supplemented with fruits and vegetables.
- Maltese – 12 to 15 years – Malta – Maltese dogs do well on a diet consisting of high-quality proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats, with options like chicken, turkey, brown rice, and fish, supplemented with fruits and vegetables.