
Collection of 20 most beautiful men’s chest tattoos


The trend of tattoos is no longer strange to young people, especially men. Having a tattoo is not only for artistic purposes, but for many people it is also a way to preserve meaningful things. Men’s chest tattoos are a type of tattoo that many guys are interested in. 


Men’s chest tattoos are extremely attractive

Coolmate will join you in summarizing the most impressive male chest tattoo styles in today’s article!

Top 8+ most beautiful men’s chest tattoos

For tattoo enthusiasts, choosing a beautiful, meaningful tattoo is very important. That’s why this article will introduce to you the most unique and impressive collection of chest tattoos for men today.

1. Letter tattoo on men’s chest

Letter tattoos on men’s chest are one of the ideas that many guys like. Although this pattern is simple, it brings high aesthetics. Furthermore, depending on your own preferences, you can choose a loved one’s name, a meaningful motto or your favorite life philosophy to make a tattoo.

Letter tattoos on men's chest are one of the ideas that many guys like

Letter tattoos on men’s chest are one of the ideas that many guys like

Men can combine letter tattoos with other motifs such as plants, butterflies and flowers. This will help the overall tattoo look more prominent, impressive and show off your true style. 

2. Mini small men’s chest tattoo 

For guys who love simplicity and are not too picky, a mini tattoo on the chest is an interesting idea. Currently, there are many different small motifs that have special meanings, you can refer to them as tattoos of numbers, stars, compasses or animals.

Currently, there are many mini tattoos that have special meanings

Currently, there are many mini tattoos that have special meanings

3. Beautiful full chest tattoos for men 

One of the male chest tattoos that many men favorably choose is the full chest design. These patterns impress by bringing personality, coolness and expressing personal authority.

Men's full chest tattoos help guys show their authority

Men’s full chest tattoos help guys show their authority

4. Family chest tattoo for men

An idea that any tattoo fan would like to own is family-themed motifs. These tattoos are often placed on the left chest, thereby showing that family is always precious and forever in the heart. 

Family chest tattoos for men are very popular

Family chest tattoos for men are very popular

Each tattoo has its own meaning and story, as well as expressing each person’s personal style. Currently, there are many family tattoo designs that guys can choose from such as text, images of parents or year of birth of the whole family.

5. Devil face tattoo on men’s chest 

The devil’s face is an image that represents great, powerful power that is difficult for anyone to control. When talking about demons, people often think of a powerful force that can overwhelm everything around them. That’s why many guys choose this tattoo to express their personality.

Demon wearing tattoos have the meaning of exorcism, helping to ward off bad omens around

Demon wearing tattoos have the meaning of exorcism, helping to ward off bad omens around

The image of wearing devil clothes is not always bad, many motifs also have the meaning of exorcism, helping to chase away bad omens around. Furthermore, this tattoo design also helps the owner have more strength, spirit and energy to achieve more success in life.

6. Wolf chest tattoo for men  

Like other spirit animal tattoos, wolf tattoos attract men thanks to their beautiful, impressive images and variety of designs. In terms of meaning, this pattern symbolizes success, victory and courage.

Wolf tattoos attract men thanks to their beautiful, impressive images and variety of designs

Wolf tattoos attract men thanks to their beautiful, impressive images and variety of designs

Furthermore, the origin of wolves is from North America, a year-round land with cold climate and scarce food resources. Therefore, wolf tattoos on men’s chests also show the instinct to persevere and the desire to thrive despite any harsh circumstances. 

7. Flower tattoo on men’s chest  

If you are looking for a beautiful, delicate and meaningful men’s chest tattoo , you cannot ignore floral motifs. Some impressive tattoo designs that guys can refer to are roses symbolizing eternal love, peonies symbolizing wealth and prosperity, or lotus flowers meaning determination.

Flower tattoos bring delicate beauty to men

Flower tattoos bring delicate beauty to men

8. Lip tattoo on men’s chest 

For men who still don’t know which impressive men’s chest tattoo to choose, they can refer to the lipstick tattoo model. This pattern clearly shows the desire of the gentlemen for a lasting, loyal and sweet love.

Men's chest tattoo with lipstick motifs represents the desire for faithful love

Men’s chest tattoo with lipstick motifs represents the desire for faithful love

Furthermore, lipstick tattoos on men’s chests are also implicitly understood as a mark of sovereignty between lovers. Thereby contributing to the charisma, attractiveness and personality of men. 

9. Geometric tattoos

If you want to find a male chest tattoo model that is both artistic and has philosophical and logical meaning, think of a geometric tattoo model. With this idea, you can choose geometries according to their meaning, texture or shape. 

Geometric mathematics is always something that gives people endless inspiration, and tattooing is no exception. Among them, there are a few popular geometric tattoo patterns that you can choose from such as circle, square, triangle, etc. Each of these male chest tattoo patterns will have a different, unique meaning that cannot be mixed. .

  • Triangle: Represents harmony, stability, balance and sometimes change.

  • Square: Symbolizes fairness, sustainability, precision and protection.

  • Round: Meanings of perfection, grace, infinity and connection.

  • Box: Represents wishes, shine, leadership and guidance.

  • Infinity sign: Represents rebirth, continuity, circulation and interference,…


Geometric tattoos

10. Eye tattoo

In Western culture, eyes are considered a symbol of intelligence, thoroughness, insight and always have the most objective view. Therefore, many people choose this design as their male chest tattoo model. Thus, the tattoo will bring the owner positive things and luck. At the same time, it also prevents us from making mistakes, leading to going astray. 

11. Roman numeral tattoo

This male chest tattoo design is very suitable for those who are gentle, delicate and a bit mysterious. Because Roman numbers originated from Rome and are an ancient numeral system. Even though they are just simple lines, their meaning is extremely profound and magical. 


Roman numeral tattoo

Depending on personal preferences, you can choose chest tattoos for men with different colors or sizes. To create your own “quality”, don’t forget to combine a few lines such as patterns or lines of text.

12. Compass tattoo

The compass represents direction, safety, insight, guidance and awakening. Thanks to it, people will choose the best path for themselves. Therefore, this unique male chest tattoo design is always loved and chosen by many young people. It carries the light of perfect love, happiness, hope and success in all areas. 

13. Star tattoo

Those of you who are looking for beautiful men’s chest tattoos, why not try a star design? The tattoo design is both simple and sophisticated, not complicated, but at the same time attractive and interesting, making it hard to take your eyes off. This is truly a tattoo imbued with minimalist, traditional beauty but still no less modern artistic aesthetics. 


Star tattoo

In addition, star tattoos are also considered to represent truth and enhance timeless beauty. This men’s chest tattoo design represents the desire, strong will and burning desire deep within each person.

14. Heart tattoo

Many people think that male chest tattoo designs must have something “majestic” and exude majesty. However, in some cases, we should still add lightness and attractiveness. In particular, the heart design is such a typical example.

In fact, hearts are also ranked among the most popular chest tattoo designs for men. Because this design brings beauty that is simple but magical, sophisticated but also extremely seductive. Each person can choose a large or mini heart chest tattoo design for men depending on personal preference. In terms of position, whether placed on the chest, shoulder, middle of the chest, left chest, right chest or collarbone, it is all impressive.

15. Eagle tattoo

If you want to look for a strong male chest tattoo, you should definitely think about the eagle design. This tattoo is also one of the most popular and popular chest tattoos for men of the era. Accordingly, the eagle carries the meaning of courage, strength and extreme determination.


Eagle tattoo

Therefore, this tattoo is very suitable for guys with a decisive and masculine personality. The design represents assertiveness and the desire to express one’s energy. In particular, the flapping eagle tattoo also represents flying dreams and conquering the vast sky.

16. Pet and animal tattoos

Animals and pets are also some of the beautiful men’s chest tattoo ideas that you should not miss. Regarding size and pattern, everyone can freely choose according to personal preference. But certainly, the collection of chest tattoos for men about animals and pets will be extremely diverse.

It can be a dog, a lucky cat, a winged unicorn, a mini phoenix, a tiny dolphin,… No matter which design you choose to place on your chest, it will have a unique look. unique and characteristic. That is a very unique charm that cannot be found anywhere else.

17. Religious tattoos

Each religion will have its own symbol so that when we look at it, we can “identify” it immediately. Therefore, this is also an endless source of inspiration for beautiful and meaningful male chest tattoo designs. Not only artistic, religious tattoos also express each person’s faith.


Religious tattoos

With this design, you can choose tattoo designs such as Buddha, Jesus, lotus tower, cross, etc. When placing a religious tattoo on your chest near the heart, you believe that it is We will be given more will and strength. Thereby, the motivation to overcome all difficulties is also enhanced.

18. Butterfly tattoo

With tattoo art, all frameworks, prejudices or rules are meaningless. Therefore, boldly choose the butterfly design as the men’s chest tattoo you desire. Because this image is a typical symbol of magical, seductive and unforgettable beauty. The fragility of a butterfly’s wings is a hidden corner of a man. 

They can be strong and powerful, but there are certainly times when they are soft and need to be loved. This men’s chest tattoo design seems to have been born for men with a delicate, gentle and elegant personality. With that diversity, everyone can choose large, mini butterfly chest tattoos with many different colors.

19. Dragon tattoo

In Eastern culture, dragons are considered extraordinary animals, worshiped, respected and able to dominate heaven and earth. In terms of meaning, the dragon represents intensity, strength and freedom without constraints. Therefore, choosing a dragon as a male chest tattoo is a very bold idea.


Dragon tattoo

It was created in an impressive and “spectacular” way. Boys can choose this design to add to their personality. Not only that, a dragon tattoo on the chest also shows the owner’s intelligence and unchanging confidence.

20. Snake tattoo

To talk about classic male chest tattoo designs, perhaps we have to name the snake tattoo model. Snakes in different cultures also have many different interesting meanings. Its softness, gentleness and curves bring out the extraordinary, the hidden power as well as many hidden things. 

In addition, snake tattoos on the chest also represent the new and unique beauty of men. Not to mention, snakes are also a symbol of intelligence and sharpness. Surely this tattoo design will be very suitable for you to “paint” on your chest and exude irresistible charm.


Snake tattoo

How much does a men’s chest tattoo cost? 

Depending on each tattoo shop, the cost of a tattoo on a man’s chest always varies. However, considering the general level, you can refer to the price list below.

Size Price has not been listed yet The price has increased
  Mini chest tattoo   100,000 – 1 million 300,000 – 1.5 million
  ¼ chest tattoo 250,000 – 1.5 million 500,000 – 2 million
  Half chest tattoo 1 – 3 million 2 – 4 million
  Full chest tattoo > 3 million > 5 million

1. Take care of your tattoo after you’ve just finished tattooing

When you first get a tattoo, this is a relatively sensitive stage because the tattooed area is an open wound and you need to be extremely careful. During this period, if not paid attention to, the tattoo can lose color, lose definition, and even become infected with the skin. 

  • Do not remove the bandage for 2 – 4 hours after tattooing

An indispensable step that we often see after a tattoo is done is that the tattoo artist will gently clean the surrounding skin, apply a layer of antibacterial medicine and cover the tattoo with a bandage or protective layer. 

Depending on the location and size of the tattoo, the time to keep the protective layer or bandage will vary. You should follow the tattoo artist’s instructions and do not remove the bandage for at least the first 2 – 4 hours after the tattoo is complete. 

  • Caring for the tattoo after removing the bandage

You should wash your hands and be careful while removing the bandage or protective layer. After removing, wash the tattoo area with warm water and moderately antibacterial, fragrance-free soap to avoid irritation. 

You may see traces of blood and plasma, this is a completely normal phenomenon. Don’t worry too much, just gently brush off those layers and use a clean towel to dry the water. Perform the above steps about 3 – 5 times a day. Do not wash the tattoo directly under water because it may affect the quality of the tattoo. 

  • Moisturizes newly tattooed skin

After cleaning and letting the tattoo area dry, you can use ointment to apply to that area. Moisturizer absorbed into the skin will make you more comfortable, do this step until the scab appears. Do not overdo it and apply too much cream, high humidity is also not good for new tattoos. 

2. Take care of your tattoo as it begins to heal

Even though the tattoo has healed, you should not neglect taking care of it at this time. Some small notes that can help you during this period will be revealed by Coolmate below. 


Some things to remember after the tattoo begins to heal

  • Wear comfortable, non-tight clothing

Tight, tight clothing can cause damage to your tattoo and slow healing. Comfortable clothes for activities will be better for both you and your tattoo, so choose suitable clothes these days. 

  • Limit exposure to direct sunlight

Sunlight during peak periods is especially bad for both your skin and your tattoo. Blistering may occur and prolonged exposure to the sun will also cause the tattoo to blur and fade easily. 

When you need to work outdoors, you should pay careful attention to sun protection. During the first 3 – 4 weeks after getting a tattoo is the time you need to pay attention to carefully covering the tattoo. 

  • Limit sports and vigorous exercise

Exercise is a good physical activity, but during the tattoo period, especially areas such as the chest, shoulders, thighs, and legs are easily affected. If you move too hard, it can cause the skin to stretch and affect the tattoo. 

Exercising lightly in the first period after getting a tattoo is something you need to pay attention to. Once your body is completely healed, you can freely exercise vigorously again. 


The beauty and unique meanings of men’s chest tattoos are something we cannot deny. Hopefully with the sharing from  Coolmate , you will have new ideas for yourself if you are about to get a tattoo on your chest, don’t skip the tattoo care steps!

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