
Fireman Shows Up To Save Puppy Trapped Under Concrete — And Immediately Falls In Love

A family was out riding their bikes one day in South Carolina when they suddenly heard what sounded like a puppy crying. They pulled their bikes over to the side of the road and went to investigate, and were shocked to find a little puppy trapped under a pile of dirt and concrete. Not knowing how else to help, they quickly called 911, and both the police and firefighters with the North Charleston Fire Department responded in hopes that they could free the trapped puppy. 


“They showed us where the dog was located,” Captain Paul Bryant, of the North Charleston Fire Department, told The Dodo. “It was piles of concrete 4 foot by 4 foot, some smaller, some bigger. One of the police officers said he could see the dog so we got on our hands and knees to look and saw his nose sticking out of the pile of rubble.” 

After moving the concrete slabs out of the way with a pry bar, Captain Bryant attempted to pull the puppy, later named Rocky, out from the remaining dirt and rubble, but unfortunately there just wasn’t enough room. He then took a shovel and started digging, and finally was able to create enough space to pull the confused puppy out to safety. The whole rescue only took about 11 minutes, but no one has any idea how long Rocky had been stuck under there before everyone arrived. 

firefighter adopts puppy

North Charleston Fire Department

As soon as he was free, little Rocky couldn’t stop licking Bryant’s face in gratitude. The puppy clearly had so much energy and lots of love to give, and everyone immediately fell in love with him — especially Bryant. The family who had initially found Rocky said they would take him to a nearby animal hospital to get checked for a microchip so he could hopefully be reunited with his family, but after he was gone, Bryant just couldn’t get Rocky out of his head. 


North Charleston Fire Department

Rocky was taken in by Charleston Animal Society, and ended up not being microchipped after all. The search for his potential family came up empty, and as soon as Bryant heard, he knew exactly what he had to do

“I wanted to know if his owner was found, or if the person who found him was going to keep him,” Bryant said. “Once I found out he did not have an owner and the family who found him could not keep him, I knew he was coming home with me.” 

firefighter adopts puppy

North Charleston Fire Department

Bryant felt connected to Rocky from the second he rescued him from underneath that concrete, and it was as if the pair had always been meant to be together. 

“I found out I was going to be able to adopt him, and I’ve been on a high ever since,” Bryant said in a video about Rocky’s rescue

Once Rocky had been given a clean bill of health and was ready to head off to his new forever home, Bryant headed over to Charleston Animal Society to pick him up … 


… and as soon as Rocky saw his rescuer again, he could barely contain his excitement. 

Rocky is now all settled into his new home and couldn’t be happier with how things turned out. He went from being trapped and alone to having the world’s best dad, and everyone involved is so thrilled that Bryant and Rocky ended up together. 

firefighter adopts puppy

Captain Paul Bryant

“He is a very energetic dog and loves to play fetch with his new toys,” Bryant said. “He is always by my side, never letting me leave the room without following me.”

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