
Very Good Dog Turns His Unusual Hobby Into A Way Of Making Real Money


This is Finn — an eco-conscious dog with a playful personality.

And, like most pups, Finn loves a good chew toy.

But while Finn certainly has plenty of store-bought chew toys to amuse himself with, he’s equally as pleased to recycle other objects for that purpose, too.

Things like this, his favorite empty plastic bottle.

Finn’s not too picky, however. He has an interest in aluminum cans as well. But because they can develop sharp edges, they aren’t the ideal chew toy.

So, his dad, Stefen, picked up a plush can-shaped chew toy for Finn to gnaw on instead.

But while treating empty bottles and cans as toys may have started out as play for Finn, it eventually led to a laudably higher purpose.

Before long, while out and about on walks around town, Finn began seeking out bottles and cans that had been discarded as litter. He started bringing them to Stefen to hang onto.

The pup, it seems, had taken to cleaning up the neighborhood — but things didn’t end there. When he’d amassed enough bottles and cans, Finn and Stefen would head to the recycling center to turn in his hauls. And with that, Finn began making real money.

Here’s footage of Finn in action:

Finn found a way to make a positive difference in his community, scoring a little cash for himself in the process.

As impressive as that is, he plans on doing even more good with his unusual hobby.

The next time Finn heads in to trade his bottles and cans at the recycling center, the profit he receives won’t be going towards yet more toys, Stefen said:

“In the new year, we’ll take Finn to the animal rescue so he can donate the money.”

Who’s a good boy? Finn, that’s who.

To keep up with Finn and Stefen’s latest adventures, follow them on Instagram and TikTok.

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