
Captivating Images and Enchanting Descriptions of Exotic Birds


Scientific name: Cygnus

The white swan is an exotic bird native to Europe and central Asia. It is part of a specie of bird in the Anatidae family. Some of the closest relatives of this bird are the South American black swan and the Australian black swan. It is closely related to the black swan of Australia, which is not related to the other species of white swans. Today it is known that the white swan belongs to different ornamental species in many parts of the world.

White swans, also called vulgar swan or mute swan, stand out for being unique in their species in having the caruncle in the lower part of their beak, when the others have this same characteristic but in the upper part of their head wearing colors sharp, in this case black. The function of the caruncles is to attract females, which is why they are said to be secondary sexual characteristics of the white swan.

Scientific name: Bubo scandiacus

The white owl is a bird that belongs to the tytonidae family. It is a bird loved and hated by humans at the same time. They are associated with darkness, cold, fear, bad luck for being nocturnal birds, but at the same time associated with the good because of their white color. It should be noted that they are silent birds with great audiovisual capacity that allows them to be excellent hunters.

White owls are distributed all over the world. Its main characteristic is the heart-shaped face, a quality that only this type of bird possesses. They are strong and skilled in their hunting art, their sounds are screeching and often even a bit annoying. They have been proven to hunt in total darkness thanks to their excellent hearing (which works like radar) and quiet flight, making them excellent hunters. Their pick looks a bit like the exotic green bird Kakapo Parrot, due to it is pretty short.

Scientific name: Cacatua haematuropygia

The cockatoo is a genus of psittaciform birds in the Cacatuidae family. It is a climbing bird found between the Philippine Islands and east of Wallacea to the Solomon Islands and southern Australia. This exotic bird have white plumage (pink or yellow feathers can be seen in some species), a prominent plume and a black or pale bill.

The cockatoo is a very adaptable and domestic bird. In addition, there are 21 different species of cockatoos, of which only 11 of them have their characteristic white plumage. This white bird is often mistakenly called the White Macaw. Most of them feed from large fruits and small insects. Cockatoos grow by breaking small wood, coconuts, fruits and later destroy the insects with a single peck.

Scientific name: Neophron percnopterus

The Egyptian vulture is a white exotic bird of the old world, famous for its white plumage. It is a bird that lives in North Africa and rotates its journey through Europe. This type of vulture is not seen by many and almost always keeps flying. In most cases it is seen alone or in burrows of other species of the same family. Throughout the entire planet these birds can be observed, although most of them have dark feathers.

The characteristics of this bird are very peculiar because the color of these birds is different depending on the age, however, the general characteristics of these birds are as follows. The head and legs of Egyptian vultures are yellow, the body is white, their wings are white but they have gray and sometimes black little spots, the tail of the vultures is white and is characterized by being wide.

Scientific name: Columba livia domestica

Typically, the name pigeon is given to the blue-gray species of the genus Columba, while the name turtledove is given to the smaller species of the genus Streptopelia. The Buchon Gaditano, which is mostly white or light gray, is called a dove and being a white bird, people associate it with purity, peace and of course it is used in events such as baptisms.

Buchon gaditano feeds mainly with seeds, but also with fruits and insects. This white exotic bird eats small pebbles to facilitate the grinding of food in the gizzard. These types of doves usually nest in pairs. The female lays 1 or 2 white eggs in a nest of twigs. The young, which remain in the nest for a long time, are fed with the secretion of the adult dove.

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