
Shelter Staff Catches Cats Giving Massages To Blind Dog Who Needs Them The Most

When Tam needs a bit of comfort, his friend Elodie is always willing to help. Tam, a pup at Sunshine Animal Refuge Agadir (SARA), is blind and suffers from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, which makes his skin extra fragile and joints prone to arthritis.

Elodie and her fellow cats at the refuge seem to know that Tam needs extra TLC, and the tribe of cats at SARA have made it their mission to help him out.

Hazel Skeet/SARA

“Tam regularly shares his bed with at least two cats,” Hazel Skeet, a long-time volunteer with SARA, told The Dodo. “All the cats adore him and give him cuddles and massages.”

The Farm Refuge is one of three refuges in the SARA network that caters to senior or sick dogs and recently rescued dogs who are ready to be adopted. The Farm Refuge also serves as a temporary shelter for homeless cats — there are currently about 200 of them!

“To be honest, it is quite difficult for anyone to sit down at the Farm Refuge without being immediately surrounded by cats,” Skeet said. “But Tam is the most popular dog. The cats know he will lie quietly and be gentle with them. [He’s] the perfect pillow for a snooze, and Tam enjoys the affectionate closeness.”

Hazel Skeet/SARA

Tam was born at the refuge nearly nine years ago. While most of his siblings were adopted, he and his sister Daccia remained at the refuge due to their Ehlers-Danlos diagnoses.

Hazel Skeet/SARA

Unfortunately, there is no cure for the genetic disorder, but Tam and his sister are well cared for by both their cat and human companions.

Besides the cats, Tam is close with his sister Daccia, and they usually play together first thing in the morning and just before bed, Skeet shared. “They are very close friends,” she said.

Hazel Skeet/SARA

Tam prefers to lead a laid-back life, relaxing and cuddling with those he loves.

“He spends the rest of his day sitting in the sun or shade, taking in the sounds and smells of the refuge,” Skeet said. “Occasionally, he will have a young puppy coming up to say hello, which he tolerates, but he mostly prefers to curl up with a cat friend.”

Hazel Skeet/SARA

“Because he is blind, Tam is very wary of strangers,” Skeet said. “It takes a while to earn his trust, but once you have, he is a super affectionate and cuddly boy. I feel so privileged now that he recognizes my voice (and smell) and comes over to greet me when I arrive at the refuge.”

Hazel Skeet/SARA

Tam will continue to live his best life alongside his sister and cat friends at the SARA Farm Refuge. And he can expect to receive so many more relaxing massages from the cats who care so much for him — as he well deserves!

To help the SARA team care for and rescue more animals in need, you can head over to the organization’s website to donate and learn more about their mission.

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