
Dog Loves Money So Much She Collects It To Pay For Her Treats

Holly is a 5-year-old dog who has been with her family since she was a puppy. She’s a pretty typical dog in most ways, but she has one very unusual obsession: money. Holly is absolutely in love with money. 

“It started when she was a puppy,” Casi Cook, Holly’s mom, told The Dodo. “She was a thief, just like any puppy. She used to steal stuff out of all our bags, including money, and instead of chasing her around the house we would kind of bribe her with treats, so when she had money in her mouth we didn’t want her to eat it so we would say, ‘Here Holly, take the treat and give me the money,’ so it clicked in her head, if she has the money, she will get treats.” 

dog loves money

Casi Cook

Due to this accidental conditioning as a puppy, Holly now loves money more than anything in the whole world. Sometimes her family gives it to her, and sometimes she just steals it, because she can never have enough. Her mom works at a restaurant, and whenever she starts counting her tips, Holly can hear it a mile away and comes running. She currently has $87 to her name, and her collection is growing every day. 

Casi Cook

Holly has her very own piggy bank to keep her money in, but she also keeps it in the living room, on the stairs, in her mom’s bed, in the kitchen, in the hallway and pretty much everywhere in the house. 


Holly still likes to play with toys, too …

dog loves money

Casi Cook

… but even when she’s holding a toy, she almost always has some money with her as well. 

Holly is very careful with her money, though, because over the years she’s learned that if it rips, it no longer has any value, and then she can’t use it to buy her beloved cookies. 

“She only uses them to buy treats,” Cook said. “Or, if we are sitting down to have dinner, halfway into dinner she will walk over quietly and just place a dollar on our laps because she wants a treat.” 

dog loves money

Casi Cook

While Holly is very protective of her money and loves it more than anything, she never, ever gets mad if someone takes some from her. She’s happy to share … as long as she gets it back eventually. 

Casi Cook

“If you take her money she will honestly just follow you and nudge you and jump on you and give you kisses until you give it back,” Cook said.

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