
30 Cute Cat Photos — Best Photos of Cats

cute cat  ginger cat curled up in a red bowlSanna Pudas//Getty Images

Curled Up Cat

This photo is proof that you never need to buy a cat bed — they can, and will, sleep in literally anything. Even a bowl, which is about 100 times cuter than a bed anyway.


cute cat  yawning black cat stretched out on a chair
stocknroll//Getty Images

Yawning Black Cat

This cat has either spotted their treats very close by, or they are extremely excited for you to be home. Either way, there is nothing cuter.

cute cat  ginger cat poking head out from a cardboard boxImage by Chris Winsor//Getty Images

Hiding Kitty Cat

“Oh, hi… just hanging out in my box, otherwise known as my new home.”

cute cat  two tiger cats in a meadow
zhao hui//Getty Images

Twin Kittens

If this photo doesn’t make you want to run out and adopt two little kittens right now, we just don’t know what will.

cute cat  tiger cat putting head into a mug of coffeeSally Anscombe//Getty Images

Caffeinated Cat

Never leave a cup of coffee unattended when a cat is around. Although it does make for a good photo.

cute cat  kitten in a boot
Westend61//Getty Images

What’s Your Shoe Size?

Excuse me, sir, but how exactly did you get in that boot?

cute cat  cat in a blue suitcaseKryssia Campos//Getty Images

Traveling Kitty

We wouldn’t recommend packing your cat in your suitcase, but we do encourage you to safely take them on adventures!

cute cat  cat in a red and white tea cup
Nico De Pasquale Photography//Getty Images

Tea Time With the Cat

Is the mug very large or is the cat very tiny? It doesn’t matter, either way, this is the purrfect picture.

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