
Senior Dog’s Eyes Light Up When Reunited With Her Family After 7 Heartbreaking Years

At 5 years old, a dog named Jazzy ran away from her Texas home after getting spooked by fireworks. Her family searched for years, but there were no sightings of the runaway dog. Despite their devastation, they never lost hope.

Seven years after Jazzy went missing, her family received the most shocking news possible. A Florida animal shelter had Jazzy, and the senior dog was in rough shape. Yet, Jazzy’s family never hesitated when making a decision. They knew they wanted to bring their furry family member home. That’s true love!

Dog found after 7 years

The Surprise of a Lifetime

Orange County Animal Services found Jazzy abandoned in an Orlando hotel room. She had arthritis and could barely walk, and her rescuers guessed that she was about 9 or 10 years old. They worried that she would be stuck at the shelter for a while since most people overlook senior dogs, especially those with health concerns.

But when the rescue took her in, they learned that she had a microchip. When they scanned it, they found out that a man named Kerry, who lives in Texas, is Jazzy’s rightful owner. When they called Kerry, he revealed that Jazzy ran away five years ago, and they hadn’t seen her since. So, she’s now about 12 years old.

Owner petting lost dog

Yet, Kerry didn’t care about her age or her health conditions. He was just happy to know that his furry friend was safe and able to come home.

“We told them about her health issues, her current condition, and we let them know their options. They never hesitated. Kerry, Jazzy’s owner, jumped on a plane from Texas to Florida a few days later, and today, we reunited them,” Orange County Animal Services wrote on Facebook.



Dog and human reunited

Picking Up Where They Left Off

The animal rescue doesn’t know where Jazzy has been all this time, but they know she never forgot about her family. When she saw Kerry, her face lit up. She ran to him as if no time had passed because she knew he was part of her family.

“It was a tearful reunion, and it was incredible to watch Jazzy come to life at her owner’s voice. Kerry was overjoyed and regaled us with stories about her. And Jazzy couldn’t take her eyes off him. She licked his hand again and again and inched her body as close as she could to him. After all those years, her heart still remembered, and was finally whole,” Orange County Animal Services wrote.

Dog and owner by Christmas tree

RELATED: “Friend” Tells Woman Her Dog Died, 2 Years Later She Gets A Shocking Call

Now, Jazzy is back in Texas, making up for lost time. She’s walking, eating, and even trying to run. Most importantly, she’s feeling very loved, which is something she probably missed the most after all those years. It’s amazing how much a little love can change a dog’s entire demeanor for the better.

“Our staff and volunteers have to endure heartache and heartbreak every day. Every now and then though, we get to watch something like this, and it makes every minute worth it,” the rescue concluded.

Lost dog back home

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