
Thousands Of People Rallied To Save Her From Death Row, And Now Nobody Wants Her

<p>Second Chance Rescue NYC</p>

When a dog is finally rescued, we all assume that the end is in sight. The dog was saved, and will now be adopted by a loving family and will never have to suffer again.

But sometimes, the end of that journey is farther than we think.

Second Chance Rescue NYC

In 2013, Rihanna was taken to the Manhattan Animal Care Center (ACC) as a stray. The condition that the terrified pit bull was in was absolutely horrific. At only 2 years old, she was listed as geriatric before they had a better estimate of her age. Staff assumed that she had been used as a bait dog for dog fighting. All of her teeth were broken off or filed flat, and her face was badly swollen. She was underweight, bruised and beaten – but somehow, still standing.

Second Chance Rescue NYC

Because of her condition, Rihanna was slated to be put down – but not before someone noticed her. Over 5,800 people shared Rihanna’s post on Facebook in hopes of saving her life. Second Chance Rescue NYC heard about her plight, and knew they had to help.

Rihanna was pulled from the ACC by Second Chance Rescue and placed into foster care, where she began her wait for her forever home.

That was nearly three years ago. Today, Rihanna is still waiting.

Theresa Zavada

Rihanna is a sweetheart who just wants to be loved, and no one can understand why she hasn’t found her happily ever after yet. Despite her rough history she is never anything but gentle, and greets everyone she meets with a hand lick and an open heart.

Theresa Zavada

From October 2013 to October 2014, Rihanna lived with Theresa Zavada, who has fostered many dogs for Second Chance Rescue. During her time with Zavada, Rihanna was able to overcome some of her fear of other dogs, likely caused by her suspected history with dog fighting.

“I have placed all the dogs that she came to me with,” Zavada told The Dodo. “Rihanna still waits. She is a beautiful dog, inside and out.”

Theresa Zavada

Because of her past, Rihanna will need to be the only dog in her new home. She can live with older children, and would do best in a home with no cats. Her new family will receive support from Allied Dog Training, where Rihanna spent some time after leaving Zavada’s care in 2014. She is currently being fostered by a trainer from Allied Dog Training.

Theresa Zavada

Rihanna has waited for so long and been through so much. It’s finally time for her happy ending to arrive.

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