With the final days of summer quickly approaching, it’s time for you to experiment with some different coloured nails to celebrate all things summer and all things color! We’re not sure what it is about this year but we have seen more wild nail art throughout this year than almost any other. Our Instagram feeds are filled with multi-coloured nails and it seems like absolutely no one is afraid that their designs are going to be “too loud.”
We wanted to get a better sense of the different coloured nail trends and designs that are super hot right now so we explored a few hashtags on social media to get a better understanding of what’s popping. We encountered some truly wild and innovative styles that we think will appeal to anyone who loves color and isn’t afraid to show it! Check out these claws!

Are you after a coloured nails look that will make anyone smile? Try some smiley faces on your nails! We love the way a darker shade of the same color has been used for each smiley. What a fresh, happy look.

It feels like pastels for coloured nails are really having a moment. We stumbled across so many claws painted in baby blues, light pinks, and gentle yellows! Here’s just one example but there will be more on this list!

How cute are these little daisies? We feel like these coloured nails just scream summer. They make us think of lazy afternoons and tart lemonade. Sign us up!

You can choose a color combination that does not look like a pack of highlighters and still be extremely happy with the outcome. Don’t these rich, understated colors look so perfectly matched? We’re here for it.

We will share with you some patterned nail designs on this list but we wanted to show you how pleasing the organic shapes of these wavy lines look. By using a darker shade of the same color you really do get a gorgeous effect.

Here are some proper patterns! Do you think this is too busy or just right? We find these whimsical coloured nails to be rather adventurous and ultimately well done. Get weird, and live a little bit with nails like these!

How sweet are these coloured nails? Notice how each finger has a corresponding finger on the opposite hand to match. This is such a fresh look that doesn’t overpower everything else which is nice for the right digits.

These tips strike a perfect balance. On one hand you find a warm color palette and on the other a cool one. If you’re looking for a good way to balance the colors on each hand, you could do something similar!

If you want straight up rainbow coloured nails, you can go this route which finds mostly primary colors employed for that classic rainbow look. If you’ve got time to coordinate your toes too, why not?

We’ve some very bright coloured nails on this list, but you can still pull off the multi coloured look with more muted tones. We find black, gray, and light pink here for a nice, refined look.

Here’s another example that does not take things way over the top. Nice, muted colors that pair well together are going to be perfect for someone who doesn’t want their nails to be the focal point of their whole look.

The nice, nude base color looks marvelous here but it’s taken to the next level with these little bands of color near the nailbed. It’s still bright and playful but it does show some restraint.

Here’s another way to give your coloured nails some wavy lines that look so cool. These nails look like they’ve been candy-striped which is always a good thing in our opinion.

You can get a cute coloured nails look by just applying many multi-coloured dots. Don’t they look so fun? They almost look like eggshells or candy.

If you’ve got an afternoon set aside for your coloured nails project, you can really go to town. These nails are works of art, right? This person has chosen a summer theme and ran with it which we feel will work out beautifully for others who want to pull this off.

A lemon-lime color theme along with a sherbert cloud of both really works well. You can go with any two colors and do a cool blending effect on your nails to make this look all your own!

These coloured nails look as if they’ve been airbrushed on. Just a touch of color on those nails can really make a haunting impression. These are a blast!
RELATED: 50 Really Coloured Nails Designs

The person who shared this image explained that they were inspired by “smoke.” We love their take on smoke with each nail showcasing it in a different color. What a witchy, wonderful triumph!

If the color is not enough for you, take it one step further by employing a recurring shape like the butterfly on these nails. They make for the perfect little detail that makes these nails look extra special.

If coloured nails aren’t giving you that spark that you’re after, you better sparkle, girl! These different coloured sparkle polishes look so fantastic next to one another.

If you can really paint, you can showcase your skills with a calm beach scene as you’ll find on these nails. Cute silhouettes of palm trees or birds, and even clouds would like great done in a similar style.

The hot pink polish is carried through on every nail but a different, contrasting color has been added to each nail for even more visual interest. You could do this with only pastel polishes and also be very happy with it as well.

Are you feeling the flower power this summer? Be a little flower child and go full hippy with some groovy coloured nails like these. We find pastels again but they look so sweet and feminine in this application that you can’t even be mad about it.

How do you feel about these checkerboard nails? We like how playful they are but we admit the execution is a little lacking. You could do something similar and carry that pattern over to all of your fingers for a very playful look.

Another great way to plan your coloured nail theme is to pick a focal nail and then paint the others to help make it truly shine. We find the same orange, pink, and purple from the floral nail repeated on other nails for a very put-together and classy look.

We know we’re supposed to be celebrating the colors of summer but we just can’t get over these moody coloured nails done in neutral tones. If you’re looking for something different that’s a touch scaled back, you should try something similar!

Okay, we’re back on track with these neon orange nails that look like those orange tic tacs that you’re now craving. Contrast all of that neon orange with a soft abstract rainbow of color and you’ve got yourself some spectacular claws!

These cool colors remind us of ice cream and other cool, creamy desserts that we all get to enjoy all summer long. If you’re hot and tired of sweating, similar coloured nails like these are going to look refreshing and chill.

We really fell for these watercolor-looking coloured nails. Aren’t they divine? That crisp, white base coat topped with floating colors looks amazing! Nails that mimic watercolor or even tye die really feel like the essence of summer has been applied to your nails. Go for it!
There you go! What did you think of all of these different coloured nails designs? We think many of them are truly creative and that some are borderline genius! If you love to express yourself with fashion and nail art, you better not be painting all ten of those nails the same colors! Go wild with it and make each one of those coloured nails a mini work of art! People will love it!

Andrew is an Assistant Editor for Mamas Uncut with over ten years of experience as a writer in the creative, marketing, and blogging spaces. After studying Film and Art History, he developed a passion for telling stories in a variety of mediums. Obsessively making lists, reporting celebrity news, and diving into emerging pop cultural topics are a few of his interests.
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