
18 Reasons You Should Never Adopt A Yorkshire Terrier


Yorkshire Terriers are kind, cute, fluffy, smart and charming pets. Do you think so? So you do not know the whole truth about this breed! Here are 18 reasons you should avoid these dogs at all cost!

#1 They are certainly not cute?

cute Yorkshire Terrier in sweater
Are you sure about that? huh?Ezoic

#2 …seriously! Not cute at all?

cute Yorkshire Terrier in a cup
I’ll be watching you..

#3 They are absolutely not playful

cute Yorkshire Terrier playing in the park
Uhm, do you mind throwing the ball for me?

#4 Absolutely impossible to take a funny picture of them

cute Yorkshire Terrier lying upside down
Not funny!

#5 They demand to be taken everywhere with you

Yorkshire Terrier sleeping in a pocket
Whether you like it or not I’m going with you

#6 They do not friendly

A rabit kissing Yorkshire Terrier
Alright, I get it, you love me so much

#7 …and do absolutely not get on well with cats

cute Yorkshire Terrier with kittens
My babies

#8 They hide to attack you

silly Yorkshire Terrier

#9 Real predators!

Yorkshire Terrier and a chicken in the lawn
Hello there Mr. Chicken. I’m right here!

#10 So it’s dangerous to leave them with children

Yorkshire Terrier with a baby
Hushh little baby

#11 Do you see this terrible sight?

 Yorkshire Terrier in a spa
Much need rest day

#12 You can say goodbye to a quiet evening on the sofa. It’s not your sofa now!!!

 Yorkshire Terrier
I’m busy right now

#13 Wanna take a shower? I don’t think so!

cute Yorkshire Terrier
Night routine??

#14 They just only using you!

Yorkshire Terrier eating icecream
Yum yum!

#15 Adopting a Yorkshire Terrier won’t bring you an ounce of joy

Holding a Yorkshire Terrier with a smile on his face
With my fur dad!

#16 So it’s probably best to just avoid this dog at all

cute Yorkshire Terrier in a car ride
Not so fast driver

#17 Or NOT? )))


hugging Yorkshire Terrier
Let’s face it. You need me in your life


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